Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and How i recovered with positivity


Today when i was scrolling the ecency app then i noticed something interesting from the community of @ecotrain .
I decided to participate in the season 8 and the topic was give " What actions have you taken in your life that led to positive changes? " The question was just touched my heart because i was thinking to share my past experience about how i turned worst to better .

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder which is something attached with your emotion and mental health . I was suffering from this disorder from years and i even could not understand about why i am such different personality than others .In my home ,Nobody advised me to go and see doctor because they all were totally unaware of this mental disorder. They always thought that it is a bad habit developed in me unknowingly .

I used to repeat brushing and cleaning the surface or floor , Washing hands repeatedly with soap , scared to touch my pet dog because i feared of some kind of spread of virus from animal, whenever i go out then never fully satisfied with locking the house with keys until i checked twice ,thrice or more, Whenever i feel some pain somewhere then i feared of something poked my body like metals ,needle , animals.
And many unwanted negative thought about life just hovered in my brain.

After suffering for 2 years then i figured out that its increasing instead decrease. My mental health was not in good condition to live a peaceful life .Uninvited negative thoughts always threat me and directly impacted my physical fitness too.

I was sometime complete despair because after consulting to all the major doctors , finally they advised me for mental counselling and prescribed some sleeping pills .

I kept taking sleeping pills for many months but the situation was not improving .It deteriorated my situation . After few months , I read and learned lot of magazines and article about how to control the situation
and finally i got solution for recovery.

I firstly researched through the social media and overall i found the situation handling tricks .
Yes, It was practicing yoga and meditation .
Here i am going to list those points which made my life with full of positivity .

  1. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a mental condition where person do some daily activities with repetitive pattern. It helps them to feel good and relaxed .if they do not follow those repetitive pattern then they might go to depression or anxiety . First of all Yoga and meditation is a nectar to fight those disorder. Simple following these basic yoga and meditation can really helps one .I started practising yoga every morning for 1 hour and also some meditation .
    Yoga and meditation always impact positively to your health because they directly protect us more evil thoughts. Pranayama ( Meditation) like Anuloma and Viloma (A technique to inhale and exhale the air to the lungs which helps us from negative thoughts and rejuvenate the body .

  2. Keep a track like app from various sources which find the total walk .If somebody seated alone then be a sharing with whom and chit chat is optional.

  3. Always keep a writing pad which helps to find and remember the issues in case if forgot .

  4. Watch always the show of motivational speakers and ask some question about .

  5. Always Think positive in every situation because you are the one going to appreciate you-self.

  6. Go at least once in a week to Temple , mosque and Church because these places are completely a positive think zone.

After following task ,I am proudly saying that your OCD mental disorder personality will be gone .

I continuously practiced those task which led me improved and overcome that.
I was determined and focused to stop those disorder immediately .

To live beautiful and amazing life then you just can follow those step which i already added . Getting rid off from mental disorder are crucial and little difficult but just following little disciplinary task can lead your life more blissful and full of positivity.

OCD is common disorder which every 4 out of 10 persons are suffering and mostly they are just ignoring it because it does not harm you but mentally put you in pressure .
Hope it was interesting story to read and yes one more thing i want to add here and that is 'I am Completely recovered and living fruitful life.

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