making organic fertilizer with a system of burning wasted waste. and directly making it on site

Hello friends, how are you today, and wherever you are, of course you are in good health and always successful, hopefully today is better than the previous days. I came back to this community to show something to all my friends who are here of course.

Here are some snippets of me when I made organic fertilizer directly to the location in the garden. And I am very happy with things like this and it is very easy to practice directly on site. So that there is no need to take them to the garden when they are used on plants in the garden.

It had been a few days before preparing the ingredients to make organic fertilizer for plants in the garden and of course for corn plants. And had to collect a lot of dry leaves. Such as twigs from wood leaves to straw that had been prepared so much and sufficient for a one hectare corn plantation. .

I came in the afternoon to burn a pile of garbage until it ran out and after that it was flushed with enough water and covered tightly so that the air doesn't get into the sea from inside. and after that I collect again the leaves and dry wood and then burn it again until it turns to ashes and so on. I planted and it has grown.
So using artificial fertilizers is more efficient and very good. And many people in this area who grow corn also use organic fertilizers like this. That's all from me this time for all my friends and good luck.

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