Forgiveness is not weakling but courageous

Forgiveness is not a matter of the weakling but It is the matter of the strongest, accepting that you are ready to let go of the things that have hurt you and turning a blind eyes on the negative side then facing positively, is a work of a strong man.

I could remember when i was having a hard time considering what to do in my relationship, I allowed the weakling part of it to control me more than seeing what could be the good part of it, then putting myself in more weakling, the thing is that, face your fear one time and accepted defeat only then you will be free from being a weakling and embrace courageousness.



Just as my Dad said to me one-day, life is full of lessons and when you feel you are always right, that means you are wrong, at times we should try and see the negatives side as the answer, and that would make us rational and as a human that think and rethink and for peace to reign, we must first of all embrace peace and allow peace to come into us.

I am the kind of man that seek advice, if i am going through a lot on me, because what I believes is that no man is an island, we need one another And we could only rise if we at time give credit to what others do or have to say, in that vein, we shall make our life's what we always dream of, what I did that I regret not adhering to was to accepting to forgive when forgiveness was pleading and was coming to my doorsteps but I push it away and now I am regretting my actions,



But Frank my Friend Said what I did was the right thing, as i refused to acknowledge forgiveness, although I am not judging him, what I know is that, it all depends on how we see and understands things, he must be right to an extent and wrong at some point, because Forgiveness give power to things you should have not received anymore, but it will bring it to you.

Lastly, showing this traits is a brave man way of acknowledging things, forgiveness does not make you weak but it sure would make you strong and build you to greatness.



Two days ago, I was watching this movies in my home and this movie that i watched was about the customs of the land, how people violate their rules and which make the customs of the lands demanded a woman to served the God's of the land for the people of the land to be free, at first tbe husband of the woman that was chosen by the gods could not accepted and didn't agree to it in any way but as times goes on he began to see reasons why he should let the gods has their chosen servant, he accepted the wife to do as the customs demanded not because he is Happy about it but because he can't continued saying No as that may result something else.

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