QUESTION OF THE WEEK 9.2 - "If there is a God why is there so much suffering in the world?"

Hello, How are you all? Hope you all are fine and good and my best wishes and prayers with you all. I am also fine and once again I am here with another post to answer the question of the week. This community is growing more and more by bringing new and good questions and contests to participate in. Also we have prizes for the winners who came among top 5 which is really appreciable.


Let's come to the question of the week "If there is a God why is there so much suffering in the world?". The question is amazing but will be difficult to answer because it really touches the spirit and religion. There are many people in the world who are connected with different religions and cast. I will share my opinion regarding my creed and thoughts.

There are of-course many sufferings in the world which are in the form of individual or cumulation. All people in the world are facing problems and difficulties in their daily life which is sometime unsolvable or some time the issue is resolved. We believe that the God exists and has a control all over the world but here the question means alot that why there is suffering in the world? This is because God creates all creatures along with the difficulties due to test them for their dignity, faith and other purposes.



There is the rule from God that all the sufferings are because of our sin and other bad rights. A famous saying that "Do Good, have Good" means what you do will be given you as a reward. This is the universal law from God that those who does not follow the rules and regulations implemented will be punished and will suffer from all the difficulties in the world.

If people follow the rules and do good deeds will be free from all sufferings but it matters some time good people also have sufferings this is because God loves his creature and want to test him by making him suffer from issues and problems. If the creature shows patient against that suffering will be awarded by God on Resurrection.


But there are also people who are very bad and busy all time in doing sins and disobey the rules and regulations have good and successful life without having any suffering in the world. This is because God gives him free hand in this world because that person is not willing to obey the rules and in result God leave him his way. But there is punishment in the Resurrection for that person.

One of the other reason is that God also created Satan in the universe. Satan is one of the evils who challenged God that he will take all human beings on the wrong path and make all human beings disobey the path of God. for that God accepts the challenge of Satan and give him free hand by creating paranoid to the human mind and pulls them along him.

For that people who are weak in their beliefs follow the path of Satan and do bad deeds which disobey the rules of God for that he will suffer from many problems and difficulties in the world.

This is an effort from my part to define and describe according to my belief and thoughts. There may be coincidence with the thoughts of other people. Hope you will life the way I answered to the question. Thank you all for reading.

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