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Ecotrain QOTW Session 8 Action 2 : What actions do you think are needed in your local area

Hi everyone
My greetings to you

Ecotrain question of this week pushed me in te reflection mode for a few minutes.
Being a permanent resident of new delhi, I will talk about Delhi for now. There are many actions that are needed in my area but my utmost concern is the level is the lack of breathable air in DELHI.


Air pollution

It has been a few years since the pollution in Delhi has increased upto a great extant. Specially in the winter season, from the month of October to Feb-March the quality of air gets too low in Delhi.

My utmost priority is that I want fresh pure air which I am breathing in for 24 hours a day.

But unfortunately, it's not possible for now, Governments blame each other for this problem but no solution has been found till date.
Situation is so bad that
if you go for a long walk, most probably you will return home with Red itchy eyes sore throat sneezing nose etc
Bright Sun is not visible in this area for tha past few days due to blanket formed by pollution all around.

Here is what wikipedia says about Air pollution in Delhi

The air quality in Delhi, the capital territory of India, according to a WHO survey of 1,650 world cities, is the worst of any capital city in the world. It also affects the districts around Delhi. Air pollution in India is estimated to kill about 2 million people every year; it is the fifth largest killer in India. India has the world's highest death rate from chronic respiratory diseases and asthma, according to the WHO. In Delhi, poor quality air irreversibly damages the lungs of 2.2 million or 50 percent of all children.

I don't understand what kind of modernization it is that is pushing people towards the hell of disease and death. I personally feel Delhi is not providing the standards of living to it's citizens. A lot of people come to Delhi for better jobs and earning a good money. But what is the benefit of earn more money while you are going to give back a double amount to the Doctors. And with that your life expectancy too will be halved.
Due to this reason I don't like Delhi, I don't want to stay in Delhi, I want to move away to a natural place where at least i can get pure air and a healthy environment for a peaceful living.

Hope this situation will be improved soon, with this hope, I conclude my post for today.😊

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