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ecoTrain QOTW I am grateful for my turning towards God

"What is the one thing that you are most grateful for in this life?"

There are a lot of things I feel grateful for, like my sweet daughter, my parents and siblings, my in laws and my loving husband, my caring friends, Food, money, respect, health, love and beautiful surroundings around me where nature is flourishing abundantly.


Yet the one thing that I feel most grateful for in my life is my turning towards spirituality. It has been 8 years of that awakening now.
2013 was the year that was so full of doubts confusions and anxiety for me. At that time I didn't understand what I should do or what I shouldn't. I was passing through a phase of utter darkness where I was unable to find the ray of light.

What hurts you, blesses you
Darkness is your candle
~ Master Rumi

This pain and disappointment in life forced me to turn towards divine. When I found none else to turn to, I asked for divine help. I cried a lot while meditating, I said if God really exist at least give me a hint that you are here with me. Yes. He responded and gave me hints. I was relieved of all the pain. My life totally changed in an instant.

That was the point, I got a rebirth. My perspective towards life and everything changed with that awakening. I progressed from religion to spirituality. I started reading spiritual books as my interest in spirituality keep growing.

Through all the ups and downs in my later life, spirituality helped me pass all through it calmly. If you have full faith in God, you will not waiver even during the worst times of life. Spirituality is all about turning inwards and find that peace inside you. I am grateful to God that He showered His grace upon me and shown me the truth. I am grateful that I came to believe in God in its true sense.

Thank you @ecotrain for reminding me to count my blessings once more.
