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Ecotrain Question of the week season 6 #9: what are your predictions for 20 and 200 years?


Before I begin thank you @ecotrain for the love and it tremendous continuation in making the world a better place for us dwell in.

I will also thanks @stillgideon for proposing this week question, I greet you sir.

They will be no competition in business in 20 and 200 years to come, businesses and corporations will operate without looking for how, what to do and when to surpassed one another, they will dwell and operate in good conducts where they does and don't are widely spelt out, accepted and understood by corporations, because what is happening now in today's goods and services industries is that, they don't mind the down fall of another, what they are after is business, and that is the term they are all using without thinking if this is good or bad, so in 20 and 200 years they will be peaceful coexistence of business without thinking or looking for others firms in the same line down fall.

The next aspect is that people will feel the pains of another, and this will brings us to the concept of brotherhood, everyone will be their brother's keeper, utmost love and togetherness Will be prevail, they will be nothing like hatred, pains and dislikes in our hearts, love will always be our number one priority.

That will take us to another important aspect which is to be richer than another, people will no longer drag to be more richer than another, they will always see no meaning in becoming the most richest, people's will see and know that everything is worthless and all the things of the world is vanity, the society and they people inside of it will not dwell by that anymore as they would be utmost care, love and resources will always be share among nations.

Also i see a world were roads are being constructed using magnet, that you don't need to drive anymore but draw in a second and reached your destination by the magnet, this will be made possible through a kind of magnet force, which will stimulate and drag the car to itself Then landed in your destination and give you a safe journey.

Thank you for keeping in touch.