QOTW - If there is a God why is there so much suffering in the world?

GOD is not to be blamed for our suffering, he created all men equal and he made all men complete with all the organs of the body, he created us and gave us hands, ears, eyes and mouth, he made us beautiful in his own kind, with eyes we can see clearly, with ear we can hear very well, with our legs we can walk upright and so on.
He make all the organs in our body complete, each organs has a purpose to fulfill, yet, must of the people in the world today want to make it quick, no one wants to put down their head and work for theirself, all what they want is sharp sharp Money, then while chasing the so call sharp sharp Money, they would go and put themselves in troubles, which also contribute to why we have many people suffering in the world, yet it is this Peoples that are refusing to do what is right for themselves, yet preferring to look for something that should be faster than how it should be, and a fast way of making a living.



Some would even refused to work then be expecting manna to fall from heaven to their kitchen for them to eat, thinking it would be just as it happened in the days of Israelites, Yet, the Maker has given you a hand which you can touch and feel something with, a leg, which you can used to walk to places, and eyes for sight, what else could he have done?
He has given you authority over yourself to give to yourself what is your need, the way I understand it is that, there we are suffering because we choose to be suffering in the world, as we do not want to think straight and make ends meet for themselves, yet they prefer owning the society a debt, while the society would be thinking of how to sustained the life of people and not to make the people to be in danger, and consuming the resources while, the people are keeping on consuming what they did not working for, I see it that government are second GOD to humansabulity, they knew of what is happening in the world yet the keep showing us peace, government can not in any way put it citizenry in danger and so is GOD, never can they make a man cry, all their efforts is towards betterment of people's life's in the society.



The government work for the betterment of mankind every night and day and providing for our safety and they make another functions through it agency, "the organization" in providing for our goods and services, which we need to eat every morning, afternoon and evening, if they Government can provide this to us, how more of GOD, the government operate in GOD'S way in procuring all our required need, so is not GOD will that Humans has to suffer in the world, the problems is through some men not been able to see the right ways of making a living, yet looking for sharp sharp Money and at last end up putting themselves in danger and bringing more troubles to the government's in the world.

while other's seems to put the blame on GOD.

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