ecoTrain Question Of The Week 8.7 BONUS QUESTION! What Do We Fear, Why Do We Fear?

Fear can be seen as anxiety, what causes me to experience fear sometimes is electricity, i am always afraid whenever i am crossing where i see an electricity poll and wire, due to the incidents that happens here about falling of electricity polls and wires and news of how electricity poll and wires fall in some places and destroy so many cities and households, especially the high tension electricity wires.


It is said to be very dangerous, that is why it is written on it that no one should go close to it and do not touch sign is displayed on it, marking "X" meaning no one is to touch it, as it is dangerous to life and health of a man, electricity polls and wires as i am viewing should be planted on places where humans are not living close to, so as not to cause risks to life, i know without electricity polls and wires electricity would not be displayed and connect to places that are needed to and places that is needed to get connected to light at any point in time, i know those polls and wires still play a role in the life's of men but but on the other hand, it has a negative effects on the life's of people and which is one of the reasons why i am afraid of it, i can not really tell the last time i cross under an electrical poll or wire and if i do, maybe i was inside a vehicle or i was just passing through that place that there is an electric poll and wire, i would be closing my eyes and would only opens it if i sense that we have passed through that electrical polls and wire.



Immediately i saw this question, i could not help but to think about the one thing that has make me scared to death, the worst if it is that, even in my area now, we do not have light but why is the polls still there and making me to be scare without even seeing the purpose of why those polls and wires were planted, that is the number one thing i admired the advance country where one does not have to see an electric poll and wire but everything is connected beneath the ground and fear of this sort is not common, what makes a person to have fear maybe different from what makes another person to have fear, because Looking at fear, you would see that, it is as a result of not being able to relax our minds and for not being able to steady our minds, it now generated stages by stages and it becomes fear for us which we have to face every day by day till the day we summons our courage and said no to it, working towards it and believing to have grown above it, that is when we say we are fearful and nothing can stop anyone who is fearful, obstructions would be running from him, from there he can lived a life without fear.

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