Preparing the Orchard During the Economic Crisis


Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.attributed to Seneca

In the heydays before the pandemic, people who warned us of the impending societal collapsed were labeled as buffoons, or for a stronger word, a bunch of idiots.

Generally, this is how humans work. There is no question to that, even with the one of the oldest literary pieces, the Noah's Ark, who believed him anyway? And there was the great flood.

We still have people who are in denial of the economic (societal) collapse we are in, they continue to celebrate day in and day out, living life to the fullest—what's wrong with that? Maybe nothing.

It is always great to be assured by the government and the media that we are living the best time financially, blame this and that, but the economy is in a better place than it has been historically. Properly quote that please.

Beans, such as String (Snake/Yard) Beans as a source of Fiber and Protein

But for those who already are aware and are ready to prepare during the economic crisis, yes, during the economic crisis, it is not yet too late! It's late, we are already in an economic crises months before now, but it's not yet too late.

I'm not a financial expert, do not listen to me. US Dollar only works now if you're not an American. A few might not see, but if you were holding your local currency (converted) at a digital wallet, say PayPal, in USD two years before now, you will be celebrating the inflation. I'm not a financial expert, do not listen to me.

Did you bought the dip one/two years ago? Stocks and digital assets are down, now bloody red! It's a game, holders will tell you everything will be OK, keep buying the dip, but hold your horses! Do your own research and each out to a certified financial expert.

Do you believe your job is stable? Can your assets support your lifestyle and family in 12 more years, yes? Then be a little more skeptical.

Even more companies, including Coinbase, are laying off its employees and rescinding job offers now, what should you do? What else can you do?

Fruits, such as Citrus, as a source of Vitamins and Minerals

Breathe in, Breathe out

Spend more time away from charts, red candles, and the traditional media. Destress and opt for a sustainability crash course, FREE, on Youtube.

Although there has been people who continue to deny the global economic crises, truly, doing grocery has become a luxury. Check the story below, it has been used (and misattributed) from both social media and in investmetment scams, but it becomes even more darker right now that the prices are skyrocketting.

When your salary comes in time, you eat chicken! As the salary is reduced, you eat products of chicken — eggs! Subsequently, you begin to eat chicken's foods like maize. Finally, when the salary is finished, you become chicken itself, spending your time walking around, just looking for what to eat!!

A few years ago, I attended a financial seminar and although I have a background on Economics, the speaker has summed up inflation that it became tangible to me, by also reflecting on our family expenses over the decades.

He said that given a moment in your life, you can afford a whole chicken at X USD. After a few years, at the same cost, you can only get a thigh. The next time you pay at the same price, you can only afford to get chicken intestines.

Think Fast, Faster

Do you still think everything will be okay? I'm not here to make you panic, the world is in panic already, let's stay calm and be sustainable.

From a tech guy, to an college instructor, then as a farmer. They say, being a tenured teacher, is the most stable job, but it isn't. Everyone can lost their prized jobs, even I was under several CEOs during my stint in the industry.

Cereals, such as Corn, as a source of Vitamins and Carbohydrates

In 2019, I started preaching about sustainability, little did I know that it will help me survive the pandemic. When I got unemployed (twice) during the beginning of the pandemic, I turned to gardening and, eventually, into hobby farming.

Gardening is full of trial and errors, but if it won't be any of your choice, then prepping on bulks may be your last option. Since fresh produce will become even more costly, canned fruits, vegetables, meats, and soups maybe more economical now.

For prepping, a lot of YouTube videos can guide (or misled) you, so be observant enough to seek trustworthy people out there.

Same for the gardening and farming folks you follow in both YouTube and Instagram, as there is no universal bible for gardening, your property and microclimate is always unique to some degree.

Stronger Food Forests

If you jump into farming, don't employ industrial methods. Sustainability may be expensive at day one, but it is economical two or more years after.

Go for cheaper and sustainable alternatives for fertlizers (and herbicides) such as wood chips and explore mulching. For pesticide alternatives, opt to employ companion planting, start with tons of Marigolds!

The aim for sustainable (and regenerative) agriculture is to grow crops for the long-term, it's a long-term commitment that begins now. Grow trees thay re-nourish the soil, grow trees that becomes good lumber, and grow trees that bear edible fruits.


For short-term and mid-term crops, choose crops that work best on your property and your microclimate, then build your own microclimate afterwards.

Plant carbohydrates, protein, and fats. What does that mean? Plant what you want to eat, eat what you harvest. Sustenance is not only about during famine, but also in abundance. Grow foods that you like.

Grow plants and eat whole-foods. Choose non-GMO soybeans (or any other beans) for protein. Plant your favorite cereals on your home garden (or farm), then, fats, you don't necessarily need to extract it, eat foods with naturally have healthy fats.

Caffienated mornings? Grow coffee tree, or plant tea shrubs. Also, spice up your life with herbs and spices!

Next step? Collect and sow seeds, better yet, grow crops that self-sow. Learn about plant propagation and build a property that thrives.


A few days ago, our neighbors were pruning their coffee trees, so I took the opportunity to collect planting materials to grow more coffee trees at the orchard.

Gardening isn't always about buying stuff, find local friends to swap or barter goods. In these trying times, learn to grow your local community—be it urban or countryside folks.

In the days to come, prices will go even more wilder, but protect your pocket and your family, have a garden, orchard, or farm that is prepared enough to bring about abundance in the months and years to come.


Let's learn from each other, ask me about sustainability in the comments section below. :)


Clearing the Damage After the Storm
Instead of falling into anxiety, it took time to make use of what the storm had given.

About Me

@oniemaniego is a software developer, but outside work, he experiments in the kitchen, writes poetry and fiction, paints his heart out, or toils under the hot sun.

Onie Maniego / Loy Bukid was born in Leyte, PH. He grew up in a rural area with a close-knit community and a simple lifestyle, he is often visiting his father's orchards during summer and weekends, which has a great impact on his works.

© 2022 Onie Maniego and Loy Bukid

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