Building a Food Forest Amid the Global Chaos


In the realm of ideas everything depends on enthusiasm... in the real world all rests on perseverance.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


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Pandemial Crisis

It is not only me, the majority of the world is suffering too, others way before the pandemic began. Still, it is harmful to gain optimism through the notion of being better than others, but it is also self-degrading to suppress any emotional state.

The pandemic, together with those who took advantage of it, has robbed many from their stability and potentials. To generalize, though improper, the chaotic puppetry has dismantled humanity causing divide, segregation, and hysteria.

The lies and manipulation has infected a huge part of the whole which furthered the societal damage, therefore promoted a new pyramid of social classes defined by vaccination status—or through the keen eyes, the group of people who capitalizes, those who controls, those who promotes, those who obeys, who are coerced, and those who fights against it.

It is therefore a known consequence to suffer, especially to those who were subtly forced to be removed from their affiliations, be it their employment, institutions, organizations, or even families. It is your fault, the obedient says.

We have a war and you're still attached to your vaccine conspiracy theories! Move on, they said.

The Pandemial misconduct of global leaders has created a domino effect and created a new wave of financial crisis and even furthered by the ongoing war. Vaccine scandals and controversies, though relevant, have been continuously censored and even buried away from the eyes of people. The lenses have swiftly transitioned from the Faucian Puppetry and into the blabbering of world leaders for freedom against the aggressor. Each word, each resounding clap, and each standing ovation, how many lives cease to exist?

It is difficult to be caught up in a war, the war of greedy elites who uses the countrymen as chess pieces until they are satisfied or tired with the game. Many people die, those who lives go into a lifetime of trauma. If you think I am not qualified to say that, have a crash course on Philippine History.

The non-vaccinated individuals have been shut off and now, left behind by the leaders as the ongoing war threatens global safety.

Permaculture Continues Amid the Pandemic and Looming WW3

Losing opportunities and financial freedom during the pandemic was hard already, but with the soaring prices of necessities has made it more difficult. Politicians can legally prove that vaccination is never mandatory and even iterating the notion that general welfare outweighs the basic human rights, while censoring vaccine research that go against the Faucian Narrative.

With the dwindling funds, I resorted into investing into seeds and building a haven for permaculture. Although, far from accomplishment, the baby steps of creating a food forest is now visible. New fruit tree seedlings were transplanted into the property and the number of raised-beds increased in less than a year. The raised-beds allows year-round gardening, even with the test of drought and heavy flooding.

Preparing the tilapia fish pond

Luckily, the introduction of raised-beds, mulching, biofertilizers, and bio-pesticides have proved effective over conventional farming. The raised-beds and vegetable patches acts as catalysts for soil and organic matter retention, as the property is prone to flooding and erosion.


While the current capacity will not guarantee self-sufficiency and income, it is important to note that the initial year is just a time for note-taking and knowledge gathering to continually improve in the coming years.

Two new raised-beds are teeming with crops

The sweet potato patch is the most vulnerable to soil erosion, but with the barriers has reduced the risk of erosion, but there are more things to do for it to be sustainable, such as living barriers around and within the property, be it fruit trees, shrubs, or raised beds.

Starting February and even now, there has been a series of heavy intensity rains, but I have faith with the organic structures at the orchard.


It was a bit saddening to have been planting for several months, but without any harvest due to the torrential rains and super typhoon, but I was pleased in February to have my first harvest of cucumbers, radishes, peppers, and leafy greens. This is just the beginning, I intend to plant more plants that can self-seed and fruit-trees that bear fruits at different seasons to allow year-round harvest.

I hope for your safety and wellness through these difficult times.

Happy farming!


Clearing the Damage After the Storm
Instead of falling into anxiety, it took time to make use of what the storm had given.

About Me

@oniemaniego is a software developer, but outside work, he experiments in the kitchen, writes poetry and fiction, paints his heart out, or toils under the hot sun.

Onie Maniego / Loy Bukid was born in Leyte, PH. He grew up in a rural area with a close-knit community and a simple lifestyle, he is often visiting his father's orchards during summer and weekends, which has a great impact on his works.

© 2022 Onie Maniego and Loy Bukid

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