Be Patient!!



Patience is the ability to tolerate challenges, difficulties and problems without complaining, getting annoyed or pained.

I have a short story about patience and I hope you will learn from it.
Recently, it was time for this particular lecture and the lecturer was not forthcoming.
So the students started complaining, saying nasty things about the lecturer.
Some said he was lazy, while others said he wasn't serious about his Job.

The course representative had to calm them down and told them to wait patiently. Out of anger, majority of them left.
Few minutes later, the man entered the class and asked why the class was scanty.
The course representative told him they had gone.

The lecturer began lecturing, and few minutes later, he gave a simple test.
After the test, he went out with the few test scripts.
At the end of the semester, people who didn't write that test failed the course.
It was a tragic one because they all had to carry over the course.

We need patience in our everyday life.
Lack of patience can make us loose good things.
Despite your challenges and difficulties, be patient.
Through being patient you can get solutions to that problem.
Truly patience pays!!!

Arnold H. Glasow
“The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.”

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