Pimping The FreeShops outside at Thylejren camp, North Denmark

The last few weeks I've been staying at a cool place up at the very North of Denmark called Thylejren. They have a FreeShop here but it was quite new and needed alot of love and so I started to clean it up without knowing there was already a guy who wanted to get it up and running, and he was the one who started it. We have teamed up now and yesterday we spent a few hours replacing the old window that was boarded up but was still letting in moisture which creates mould on the inside.

The place was proper dingey when I first saw it and now it's looking like a completely new place. We were wondering where we would find a window that fitted easy and low and behold (what does that meaning even mean?!) there was a stack of windows next to the freeshop, and the last one closest to the wall was the only one use able because the others were rotted.

We took away the boards and then took out the old window and I started to paint the window with the recycled acrilic paint.

The window is from a house and is supposed to be upright so it's long and thin, but we were to use it the other way around on its side. I like it, and it went in easily after we had made the opening for it.

The two colours are so random but they work ok, they are eye-catching for sure haha! this is the window painted with two coats and up screwed into position.


The place looks totally different inside, you needed to turn on the light to see anything down that end. I also trimmed the tree that was blocking all the sunlight into the room and its looking alive now.

All we have left to do now is to finish firstly the outside gaps, where the previous window was smaller. The guy was happy that something had got done, he is a father and is always busy to do otherthings, and so I guess all he needed was some help and energy to get it done. Maybe he thought it would take days or something, but anyway, we did a productive 3 hours and left it until the next time.

I went there today and painted the inside of the door so it looks fresh again and cleaned the window, it was as dusty and dirty as could be hahaha..


And then painted the inside of the main door to tidy it up abit. The paint is Acrilic and that means it has a rubbery waterproof texture to it so it will save the door for another few years atleast, even though some of it was rotten.




I love helping out on projects that have ran out of steam. Even after all that's happening, places like this are not suddenly realising what they have got, and how important places like this that are quite autonomous really are within the near coming future that will take away our freedom. In fact its not even future because its already happening now. Denmark from today have made manditory masks in the supermarkets, up until today they hadnt. My guess is soon enough everywhere will be like Spain was in march and april, and how Australia is right now since a couple of months.

Have a Great Day!

Big Love and Abundance, @movingman

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