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Ecotrain QOTW : Which Technologies have had a positive influence on your life?"

I've utilized technology in the past decade than any other time in my whole life. This is because I realised they have so much positive influence on me and the entire world and life itself as we know it would be a total chaos without some of them. Inventions like the internet, smartphones, satellites, spectrometer, cars, washing machines, aircraft, satellites are some of those technologies I've been in contact with the most and they've done so much good in my life than I could ever imagine.

However, the technology that has had the most positive influence in my life is the Internet. The way the internet worked so perfectly was a big mystery to me years ago but now I understand how it actually is the biggest scientific- engineering breakthrough of our time. The internet has taught more than any school could teach, provided more jobs and opportunities than any government could give and has paved ways for more scientific and technological advances than we could ever imagine.

While growing up, I used the internet first to learn skills like home decoration, drawing and swimming but with time, I've delved into learning skills like programming, foreign languages and graphics design. I've mastered many of these skills, thanks to the tons of materials on the internet that were helpful 24/7.

There was a time when communicating with people in far destinations solely depended on putting a call through. The number of people who get this information are so small and the information would lost authenticity in no time. The internet changed that for me and everyone else. Now I could share message to my friends through their smart phones and they all will get the message delivered in seconds, at the same, in it's original form. This is such a blessing.

"The internet never forgets" so they say, but it's 100% a true fact. The internet is the best place to store information and data. This brought about the blockchain were information are permanently stored and can never be lost or can be erased. This is one of the amazing ways the internet has also helped. I personally store some information on the internet than on my phone or notebooks so when I can access this information on any computer in any part of the world.

Other great technologies I've used are the smartphones (multitasking gadgets that saved us from the era of phone were we had to press a botton thrice to get one), The satellite (allowing us to know what's happening around the world and beyond), the aircraft (saving us some time and money when traveling to really far destinations), washing machine (saving my hands from getting sore when doing laundries), refrigerator ( preserving my food from getting spoilt) etc

This list is so long and I could keep going on so I'd like to end this by thanking all the great minds that have made these great innovations become a reality. Thank you.