The question this week is "What Actions have you taken in your life that led to positive changes

There are numerous lucrative lifestyle have taken that aims at making or creating a positive impact in Life.
I grow to understand at my early stage of life that life isn't a funfair but warfare & as such nothing really looks or appears funny to me.
I have set my standard across with my principles on motions.
I made known to myself to leave an impactful life not just to ends a living which is more simple.
My core disciplines of Life made me to understand that Time is one of the treasures of man of which we must dedicate it to something tangible and mostly that worth the value in return.

There are many principles that adheres to positive changes in one's life,
One of them all is maintaining a good relationship with your creator,Never neglect the source of your existence.

Diligence with commitment: your commitment with your doings determines how far you achieve your goals.
There's no positive impact or changes one will ever experienced in life with no delegate commitment.
Hard work pays.

Being truthful to yourself entails how valuable your worth and world is to you. I have chosen to live a truthful life.
There must be a good

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