The Story of the Chicken and the Pig


There is a old story that talks about what commitment is. For those who have never heard of the chicken and the pig story here it is.

When a boy ask his father what is commitment the father put a empty plate in front of the boy. He then puts a boiled egg and ham on the plate. Father then says, "Look son, the chicken provided the egg but only got involved. The pig made a self sacrifice to provide the ham."

In other words the chicken lay an egg but by doing so she is only getting involved in the task at hand, providing food for the boy. The pig on the other hand dies to provide the food for the boy so the big made a commitment.


When you need to work on something or wish to accomplish something having commitment will be crucial in order to completing the work. Be the pig and put everything you have into it to get it done and be done to the best of your abilities. Only getting involved like the chicken will only go so far in life.

In order to obtain something one needs to sacrifice something else. Like to make money they have to sacrifice time and energy to make money. So goes all things in life. The next time you feel like you need to know if you are committed or not just remind yourself of the chicken and the pig story.

Thanks for reading and best of luck with chasing your dreams. Be committed to chasing your dreams as much as the pig.


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