QUESTION OF THE WEEK "If there is a God, why is there so much suffering in the world".



The existence of God is a mystery as there are so many other beliefs in the world. It depends on what a Man choose to believe and it works for him, that alone is capable of triggering his conviction of it's existence. Reason being that, I've had an encounter with God twice, while I was growing up. In that encounter I found myself in a dark room were I was crying and weeping, begging for a second chance, I tried waking up buh I couldn't. I cried heavily cause I was afraid that I won't wake. After I made this statement. "Father please give me a second chance".

Immediately I woke up, I knelt beside my bed and prayed to God for granting me mercy to survive again, I was scared and I felt the power that restored life back in me. The power was heavy that I started telling people about my encounter, and that they should repent for there's a giver of life. That the life we're living is only given and at the appointed time it'll be taken from. As such we all should live a life that pleases God. I strongly believe that there is a God.


As some persons will rightly say, suffering came as a result of the sins of Adam and Eve; also, Genesis 3:16 -17 which has to do with the curse that was laid upon Adam and Eve's generations happens to affect the entire human race, but Jesus Christ was tagged the second Adam that came to undo what was done by the first Adam and reconcile Man back to God once you accept Him as your personal Lord and savior, you will be safe, by the reason of His Death; He gave Men an access to God's presence and attention wherever they find themselves, this is a grace given to all; unlike the old testament that there was a specific temple to seek the face of the Lord which only a man without the stain of sin can enter and return successfully.

When we talk about suffering, the question is, what exactly is suffering? It all depends on an individual's view, as some mistake tasks for suffering, forgetting the fact that right from the beginning, God gave Man tasks immediately after He created Man (Genesis 2:15-20); and, the Bible is fully in support of Hard work (Proverbs 14:23 which says "All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty"); the Lord Has promised to bless the work of our hands and not our idleness, so, hard work shouldn't be taken for suffering because our God is not an idle God; it is as a result of His hard-working nature that the world came into existence, He made Men His Deputy on earth, and so Men are expected to work. It is important to note that hard work does not only refer to stressful labour, but also the ability to have an idea that is profitable and to work in order to actualize it.
Where the problem lies is working without seeing any profit, if this occurs, then something is wrong somewhere because our God is not an author of confusion, the plans He has for Men is of good and not of evil (Jeremiah 29:11).


Suffering does exist out of the will of Men; God has nothing to do with a Man's suffering, and if He must end it all, the only way is to wipe out the entire human race from the surface of the world without the grace of keeping some as in the days of Noah; because the good ones may surely get bad someday or give birth to a bad seed. God created Man as a free being, and allowed Men to choose their ways, but Men chose to be selfish and wicked just as the Bible rightly says: the heart of men are desperately wicked; the question is, will it be better if God created a man with an automatic setting, according to how it pleases him, without giving the room for choice? If it was done this way, Man would have been more or less a Robot.
So God gave Man a privilege to be like Him amongst other creatures, it is out of man's will that there is wickedness as a result of selfishness that leads to suffering.

Check out the Nigerian government that has what it takes to make the country a comfortable place for everyone residing within her territory, but they make everything to be all about "bring it to my door step" - the Rich oppressing the poor, those on top oppressing the upcoming ones because of the fear of being overtaken.
What about one of the world richest men, Jeff Bezos, that the American President had to increase the minimum wage in order for him to pay his workers well; if Mr. Somebody maltreats Mr. Nobody, Mr. Nobody will want to be somebody in mostly a bad way which will only give birth to all manner of wickedness, because, wickedness gives rise to wickedness and the end product of wickedness is suffering.

The only thing that can put an end to suffering on earth is perhaps that all human race be wiped out from the surface of the earth or the fear and love of God by all Men. Because even the rich suffered from the hands of some angry poor that has been wounded.

Thanks 🙏 Everyone For Stopping By, @Mathers Cares ❤

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