"Pira" (Amaranthus) | Biochemical Composition and Benefits for Human Health


The word "Pira" is a voice taken from the language of the Cumanagoto, an indigenous people belonging to the Caribbean who lived in central and eastern Venezuela

Yerba Caracas / Bledo / Amaranto
Other names of this plant in my country, my beloved Venezuela

I share information about this herb of high nutritional value that I grow in my garden, it is an excellent ally in the preparation of my meals and it is also an extraordinary brain oxygenator.

My production is organic

This plant is one of the few herbs that I grow directly in the ground. It was initially reproduced in a quarry thanks to propagation by bats. Later it spread almost spontaneously.

Although the Pira grows quickly, without asking for permission and in any place, I do not usually consume this plant if it is not cultivated at home, under the protection of being near a high frequency of automobiles and of not being contaminated by the urine of some animal.

Pira as a Crop

It is an annual herbaceous plant that grows almost spontaneously without major demands of climate, temperature and humidity. It reproduces in any soil and climate conditions. It belongs to the family of the amaranthaceae; with a height of 50 centimeters approximately. The pigmentation of its stem can be, depending on the variety, between dark brown, green or reddish; oval leaves, has compact spikes, can be white or pinkish. It is native to America, 70 types of this plant have been described, in Venezuela only 12 varieties are known. Besides being an ancestral super food, rich in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, it also has many properties as a plant for medicinal use. Our aborigines used it for "medical, gastronomic and spiritual purposes". This crop was razed to the ground in America.

This plant that is a super food has no use or massive consumption at the level of human food is not even used in animal nutrition, except for some cases that know the nutritional properties and is consumed by life decision.

In my garden this plant grows in flowerbeds and I use it in the preparation of many of my meals. The seeds are used to make a dressing which, depending on the other spices used, can be a liquid or a very fine powder.

The active ingredients of this plant give it anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant and stimulant properties. It is an extraordinary brain oxygenator and fortifies the neural tissue.



Vitamin B2

Vitamin C

Vitamin A

Vitamin B1




Folic Acid




Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Copper

Important Considerations

"Pira" has

Higher Lysine and higher protein value than rice, corn, wheat and oats

More Vitamin C than orange

Human Health Benefits

Immune System Effect

The consumption of this plant activates the immune function in the human being because it is an excellent antioxidant thanks to its high content of Vitamin C. It strengthens the nervous system and the digestive system. It has anti-inflammatory properties. It fights premature aging.

Anticancer Action

It reduces the risk of cancer due to the presence of large amounts of antioxidants such as Escualene.

Brainvascular System Effect

Regular consumption reduces the risk of cardiovascular condition and activates neuronal health, due to the high content of vitamin C and potassium. This plant reduces blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels.

Digestive System Effect

The consumption of this herb strengthens the digestive system due to the content of vitamins, antioxidants and potassium. This plant has astringent properties that help overcome diarrhea and improve intestinal conditions. Due to the presence of vitamin C and the content of potassium it strengthens and purifies the digestive system.

Effect on Skin

Because of its vitamin and mineral content it helps to keep the skin healthy. Due to the high content of Squalene, organic acids and potassium, it helps to cleanse, tone and keep the skin hydrated. Because it is rich in potassium and vitamins A and C it provides antioxidants that keep the skin healthy. For the content of zinc, potassium, calcium and vitamins C, helps form collagenous fibers, which is very useful as a healer.


It was a pleasure to share with you today's theme

Grateful for all the days lived

We are Energy ... Energy is Transformed

Grateful with #Pachamama who every day gives me the opportunity to watch the Miracle of Life

Photographs by @marlenyaragua

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