Zinnia seedlings

Given the choice, I would always opt to grow edible plants. While I absolutely appreciate the vital role of flowers and shrubs in the ecosystem, growing them doesn’t give me quite the same sense of satisfaction as vegetables, fruits, herbs, and even edible ‘weeds’.

Having said all of that, I was recently given a pack of Zinnia seeds which, from the pictorial packet, appear to resemble Dahlias with their height and pom-pom shaped heads, and I decided to give them a try. I have grown Dahlias from seed in the past, and they later become great tubas below ground, but I know nothing of Zinnias.

The packet instructs that they must germinate in the dark, so I put a few seeds in a smallish pot of compost and placed them at the bottom of the airing cupboard.

And forgot all about them, until 7 days later when I went in to retrieve a clean towel. To my surprise, several had not only germinated but were already two inches tall!

The packet informs that, once germinated, they require a lot of light. The south-facing living room windowsill seemed ideal and that’s where they’ve stayed, turning occasionally when they start to lean.

I’m still a food-gardener at heart, but must admit to being fascinated by this little pot of fast-growers.


What a difference a couple of weeks makes! 😁🌱🌸🌼🌺🌿

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