If crypto would really pay out, I would......

We all have our dreams and ideas what we would do if crypto would pay out a ridiculous amount. Some would take business class forever while flying, some would pay off their debts, some would quite working.

Honestly, I don't know what I would do since it really isn't the case. This also has to do with what you consider a comfortable amount of cash to spend your life with. I know with the cost of living, and the general idea that I will become 100 years old ( :D) that means that I require a crapload which will not happen this (and probably next) bullcycle.


But one if the first thing I would do when a large sum is there all of a sudden (or when I coincidentally win the lotery) is make everything here at home more sustainable for the upcoming years. Make it better so the cost of living will be lower.

One of the big topics here in Holland at the moment is the price of energy. Gas, electricity that means. In Holland we have a bubble of gas in the provence of Groningen but that one is drying up which makes us more dependent on gas from other countries which is ofcourse more expensive.

If you really have a big break you want to take down your daily costs....

Going solar

Getting more in the sustainable energy would really be a usefull thing in this one. Getting solar panels ofcourse as a first which is already on the hotlist here of doing but looking for the best kind of way for it.

This can save up a good amount of cash to pay every month but there is more needed to it.


I have seen that Tesla has these big batteries called powerwalls which you can have in your house to also store your energy. That is now one of the main problems. Your panels produce energy but you can not really give back to the electricity web anymore. It would be better if you would be able to store some of it, and then use it for when it is dark.

Apart from that these bad boys are still the price of a kidney on the black market, I have the feeling they are also not in their full capacity as yet, so this is something to follow on in the future.


But also one of the good ones to me would be to drive an electrical car. Also tax wise this is not a bad idea in Holland as these electrical cars are tax friendly (which is also good when you are not in the country and still have your car standing there but not paying that much for it), but ofcourse also loading the car with energy from solar panels...That would totally be the way to go!


As you see there are good idea to improve on thinking more about the future as well as reducing your own daily costs. And reducing daily costs, that is maybe even the smarter thing to do when getting a big break versus spending it on jolly wolly stuff. Thinking ahead!

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