QOTW Season 10.4 | Is the world overpopulated and what can we do to solve the issue? | 2022

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The Problem of Overpopulation

Overpopulation is usually discussed in the context of regional or world population, but whenever I hear this word, I think about the slum areas that I have been to and worked in. Having worked as a development worker in the most densely populated slum areas of Metro Manila, I can relate to the issue. I have seen families of ten living in a small shanty under the bridge, and hundreds of shanties built on the shores of the pier and beside the railroad tracks. It is easy to see overpopulation on a micro level from this perspective.

If 95% of the population live on 10% of the worlds land, then either we really have a problem or... I guess land is not the problem because only 10% is over-utilized. I also don't think that the number of people is the problem at this point in time since there is still a buffer of places that can be utilized. Well, I guess it's not a simple problem after all, so a yes and no answer might not suffice. What I mean by this is that it really depends on how we contextualize everything because there are other factors involved in this issue.

Too many people or is the land too small?

Focusing on the land factor, we already know that most of the world's land is owned by a the super rich families and the giant multinationals. It will be a problem getting them to "give-up" their ownership and redistribute it to the majority who do not own any land at all. On the other hand, limiting the number of children with a hard cap might not do it also. China did it, but at what price? I believe that if we go this route, that it should be a more lenient way with more social support and educating the public about it. Limiting the number of births might create an imbalance in the demographics of the population where there can be, possibly, be only one (1) child supporting his parents and grandparents. That alone is a 1:6 ratio. Add another mouth to feed, if he or she, chose to have one child also and the ratio becomes 1:7. If he or she has a spouse, then that ratio becomes 2:7. If the great grandparents lived a healthy life, then that adds another one to eight mouths to feed, which isn't a problem with a healthy economy and progressive social security system in place, but how many countries have that. Not every country has the Norweigan Government Pension Fund at their disposal.

Food and other resources

Jumping on to another facet of this problem is the food problem. Well at least we see it as a problem because a large population might not be easily fed if we consume food the way we do today. I mean, I am biased, but the statistics and research can easily be found. Eating a predominantly #plant-based diet will have a significant effect on food production and in feeding the world's hungry population. And it's just a matter of time before we really need to go plant-based if we want an efficient, sustainable way to use our land in producing food. This can also positively impact climate change, pollution, and health. I'm not saying that this is the cure-all of the world's population issue, but going #plant-based might be the easiest way for us to have an impact on the issue of food shortage, climate crisis, and health on a personal level.


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To end, my solution to the issue of overpopulation is not an authoritarian one. We should encourage couples to have fewer children and to balance it with their capacity to provide for their children. It must be practical that ordinary people can easily understand it. It should solve a problem that they are familiar with, and educate them on the issue.

Governments can also give "rewards" and extra points for people with fewer children. Give tax incentives to people who have fewer children. This will encourage tax-payers to give it due consideration.

Given the current situation, it would be noteworthy to emphasize spacing between children, which is not only a population control component, but also good for the mother; to regain her health from pregnancy and childbirth, to take care of the baby, and to plan the next pregnancy.

That's it for now. Thanks for dropping by.

Love and peace!

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