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Understanding Spirituality | ecotrain QOTW



When I think about a good spiritual life, I look at this beautiful prayer by Saint Francis of Assisi,

"Lord make Me an instrument of Your peace
Where there is hatred let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, hope.
Where there is darkness, light.
Where there is sadness joy.
O Divine Master grant that I may
Not so much seek to be consoled as to console
To be understood, as to understand.
To be loved. as to love
For it's in giving that we receive
And it's in pardoning that we are pardoned
And it's in dying that we are born...
To eternal life.

In general, Spirituality deals with Love; the love for God, our soul, and our fellow humans. It is summarized by the golden rule, " treating others as one wants to be treated.

It is not about a denomination, and it is not sufficient to say we live a good spiritual life because we are churchgoers or leaders. A good spiritual life manifests in everything that we do.

I must say that this week's topic is a subject that has caused many issues in the world. Many people define spirituality to suit their beliefs or way of life. Some believe that a good spiritual life revolves around going to church and participating in the activities of the church. Some go as far as classifying those who do not belong to their church as sinners. I will only try to discuss what I believe spirituality should be about. If you see anything in my post that contradicts what spirituality should be, I will appreciate it we discuss it in the comment box.

The story of the two men that went to pray in the synagogue, a Pharisee and a Publican. The publican humbled himself and asked God for the forgiveness of his sin. Spirituality here involves recognizing ourselves as sinners and working towards living a holy life that will save the soul. Many of us are like the pharisee, who believe that we are living a good spiritual life simply because they are churchgoers who keep the commandments of the church. Being dedicated to the good religious practices of the church is not enough to constitute a good spiritual life. Our spirituality should manifest in everything we do. It should be seen in our lifestyle. It is what stands us out in public, which we also maintain in the private.

Spirituality involves drawing others to God in a polite way.

When our Lord Jesus Christ saw Zaccheus on a tree, as God, He knew he was a tax collector, an occupation ascribed to sinners but He didn't criticize him. He went as far as going to his house and dining with him. He could have criticized him there just as most of us do today, He could have also ignored him, but he didn't. When we fail to follow this example of our Lord Jesus Christ when dealing with unbelievers, we should understand that we are doing something different from what Christ did on earth. He should be a standard for everyone.

I will not end without pointing out certain errors people make in the name of spirituality.

Spirituality doesn't stop us from looking beautiful. It is sad to see people who believe dressing nice and looking beautiful are against spirituality. They are not, they may only be sinful if one becomes addicted to it. We shouldn't look tartare because we are practicing spirituality.

Spirituality shouldn't stop us from living a good life. Buying expensive things is not sinful, spending extravagantly is

Finally, we have no strength of our own. We need to ask God for the strength to live a good spiritual life. I want to thank @ecotrain for bringing up this topic. It has allowed me to read many entries and see how people view spirituality.