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Question Of The Week Season 9.1 . What Does Spirituality Mean To You?

spirituality can be seen as the actual way of communicating with GOD, a man can be in the spirit in so many ways and which includes.

  1. He can done it through punctual staying in GOD'S vineyard.
  2. By lifting GODS work to world.
  3. By observing GOD rules and by keeping his commandments.

He can done it through punctual staying in GOD'S vineyard

Being in the spirit is not something a man can acquired easily, because it would takes sacrifice, commitment and preserving to get a man to be spiritually being. committed in being in GOD vineyard would make one to develop spiritual thoughts and habit in him, since staying there all the times would put more wisdom about the Bible and the teaching of Christ. GOD vineyard is simply, GOD HOME, GODS PALACE, A home where Christians go, worship and praise their LORD JESUS, being in this place all the times is really a good start of developing a spirit atmosphere for yourself.



By lifting GODS work to world

A man can also get this doctrine of spirituality by lifting GODS WORDS, and this will be done through, going to places by places and be preaching the GOSPEL of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, to the people who are unbelievers and those ones that are believers but keep deviating their minds due to the circumstances they face each and everyday, this can greatly boost a man spiritual position positively, draw him to the GOSPEL of our LORD JESUS CHRIST and also keep him in a better position to get his life threatening challenges solve each day by day.

spreading of the gospel can also be done through creating of website, social media platforms and sending out the gospel to the people's and if not gotten the expected number of people as it should be, and by so doing would be a better way of attracting more and more people everyday to see the lights in the gospel and the teaching of CHRIST, having to develop yourself in this method, would surely build your spiritual mindset and make you a full spirituality being.

By observing GOD rules and by keeping his commandments

For a man to develop a spirit mindset for himself, he can also go with observing GODS rules and by keeping his commandments. What GOD want for us more is to keep his commandments and be holy, keeping GOD commandments is simply obeying GODS instructions and never to go against it words in any way, GOD commandments are GODS words and he respects his words so much, his words was what he used in creating Heaven and Earth, so he value his words Just as he value himself and just as he value we his people.
Having his commandments is building a spiritual minds for yourself and being a spirit man all together.
Just as you having a son or a daughter and you find out that he / she is not obeying your words, finding out he disrespect you would make you not to be happy with him or her but when you see that they follow your instructions, surely, you would be happy about it and would draw yourself towards that child.