Qotw season 10.1 : what aspects of sustainability and holistic living are important to you.



God has blessed the world with a lot of amazing things. The beauty of nature is irreplaceable.
We have grown and with God given knowledge and understanding flavored by wisdom,has made us to modify the natural things given to us. Most of these natural things modified are much more okay while others are not necessary.

Holistic living that are important to me is especially being focused on my environment is firstly spirituality.
If one can totally believe in God and act Christ like. A lot of issues will be reduced, a society where people are blessed with lots of wisdom.
They really don't put it into what will benefit others and last for long.
In my community there are these people that know herbs and it's importance. They know how to manipulate it and create something great but no, without the fear of God they engage in suffering there follow human being for something without benefits. Well it will benefit them when you continue coming to them for help, while they continue deceiving you and collecting money.
What if someone goes wrong and the person dies? I don't think they think that far.
These herbalist manipulate herbs when you meet them believing to be cured when given the herbs, they will use it against you and endanger your life.
I know you won't believe when I tell you that most of these people naturally create disease.
If this knowledge is added to introducing herbs that will sustain life won't that be of much benefit?
Also when people understand that God is love.
There won't be food waste, times are hard but some people enjoy and waste food while others finds it hard to foot two square meals a day.
I know this particular family in the next street, when you pass their waste bin on Sunday evening. You will see a lot of food poured out.
On the other hand my neighbor always pumps water,opens it for people to fetch. Thereby reducing individual modes of getting water especially during the dry season.
Another aspect is mental, God has blessed the land and made it fruitful.
It is the planting season here, a lot of people are hustling to grow there own food for later days. While some are relaxed or will I say lazy and nonchalant to do something.
Starting up a small garden won't be much of a problem though. In no time the garden is set for harvest and you begin to enjoy what you sow.
Some people have set their minds to stealing what others suffered to grow when harvest time comes, this I find so heartbreaking.
I remember my Auntie narrated how she spent a lot of money buying so much food stuffs,even the ones she could have planted.
So, this period she decided to grow her own food. Even though is hard,she said she will really try her best, this is what she has set her mind to do.

These are the aspects of sustainability and holistic living important to me.

With this I seat back, read other people opinion on the question and learn from their opinions.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

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