QOTW season 6 #7. How do you feel in this moment./ Point blank.

Photo credit by #ecotrain

There is one common thing with human generally concerning the state of how they feel at the moment.
What I observed is the fact that people answer fine when ever they are been asked how they are or how they feel at the moment Even when the situation terrible. We still answer fine.

I asked why do people answer fine to every situation even when it's not fine.

Someone said it's an answer of faith, hoping to be fine.

And so i don't want to respond the way humans will respond to cover up things. So i am going to say it the way i feel it at the moment.

The day is Sunday and so many things have been Carried out that made me feel ok.

Stuffs like going to my place of worship and visiting of friends.

How are you feeling at the moment?

The question looks interesting.

At the moment I am currently down considering the stress of trying to make the Sunday filled with much dealings. I'm tired with my dealings today.
But when ever the thought of tomorrow been Monday comes to my heart, considering the fact that one will have to resume work pease me up as weekend are not always enough to rest so that automatically makes my moment unstable.

I have been staring at my Wardrobe for a while now thinking of the choice of clothes to wear tomorrow. The most annoying is the fact that all the clothes where dried clean by me during the weekend and non of the clothes is ironed, so the stress of ironing the clothes make me even more angry, making the moment even more bitter if not for the fact that i am considering being an adult i would have just cried it out maybe someone will come to my rescue but no matter what I will still have to do it, since I know no one will do it and I can't wear a rumpled clothes to my work place tomorrow.
And trust me that's how this feeling will continue until tomorrow when I will be going to my place of work. The bad feelings goes only when I find my self in my work place.
So, no much things, this is exactly how I feel at the moment.

All thanks to @ecotrain for their concern.

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