Ecotrain qotw.s9.7/what does success looks like from the spiritual perspective?

What does success mean from the spiritual perspective?


Just like the ecotrain mentioned in the post, success in most cases is measured by how well someone feeds, the kind of cars he or she drives, the number of houses owned by such a person and so many materialistic properties.

But I bet you that not all success in terms of material can measure how successful one is.

I have seen so many who amass all these things but have got issues that those things acquired can not solve.

Getting success in terms of materialism and solving problems with those things acquired can be termed success from my point of view.

Success can be said to be spiritual when an instruction is given and strictly one adheres to such instruction with bridging it in any form or way.

Achieving success spiritually means having positive feelings concerning everything in life the form of success can not be seen but apparently, it can only be felt.

Success spiritually has also to do with passing out this feeling that is positive to others who will also appreciate that kind gesture in all forms.

I have seen two brothers who are both successful as the world will view success to be as both brothers have acquired much wealth that can be used as a yardstick to measure the level of their success.

But emotions towards people is what and how people feel from both brothers differs and this entails their level of spiritual success.

One of the hbbrothersenders helps people around him as he feels the pain of others while the other only shows off his property to people so they should know he is capable.

Now, these two are not acknowledged on the same level since one shows compassion while the other doesn't. So people categorically say the one that shows emotion is more wealthy and successful than the other.

Now, if your success is not felt by other people then your success has no impact and that success is not connected to spirituality it only lies in the physical where people only see but are not felt.

It should come from you before it could extend to people around you, you can't give out what you don't have. It only takes a happy person to extend happiness.

One can not operate in a sad mood and then pass on happiness to people who stay around him or her.

So how do we rate this, a wealthy person physically but not happy? What will you say in this situation is the person successful?

The answer from someone outside the box will be "yes" but what of the person within the box?

He sees all his materialistic wealth as nonsense since he doesn't derive joy from whatever he has as wealth.

I have seen an uncle of mine who is wealthy physically but health-wise he is not fit so, he sees such a wealth burden because there is no rest in his mind since his money can not be of help to him in any way. He always says "all these are vanity"

Spiritual success can not be vanity since it lies in one and it is felt even when the physical wealth that is termed as success is not there.

So I will give a summary of my write up as success entails spiritual feelings i.e Happiness, Good health, Love and so many that can be felt that are positive to humans. These are most of the things that keep one alive, they keep one going and they make sure you get to that finishing point in life where you will turn to look at most of the things you have achieved and say yes I have touched lives with little I have.

Not a situation where one will be felt with bitterness because all wealth acquired physically is of no use since people did not feel the impact and you did not also feel the impact.

Of what use is physical success without spiritual success?

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