RE: Would you like to help and work with the ecoTrain Community!?

I would love to support you because you’re trying so hard (and you’ve given up smoking). Go and take a look at my writing to see if you think I’d be a good fit (for some reason, however, I’ve had a rather poor week. Haha ❤️💕🤗). I could write posts and actively comment on member’s posts. I’ve just agreed to screen posts for DreemPort but I don’t think it’s going to take too much of my time. Realistically, I could offer you an hour or two daily. I’m not interested in rewards other than those that would accrue from participation (curation and posting rewards) (I already have mega support from DreemPort by way of HP delegations). I think your topic is close to my heart and I’d like to have your permission to ask Deemy to consider a partnership with your community over the next few weeks; it’s a “thing” she’s been doing with a number of communities on Hive over the past few months?
PS: I’m pretty new to Hive and don’t have a high voting power, so I don’t know if I would be useful to you (5 months and I only have Minnow status)

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