Every action has it's consequences

It was on a cold Sunday night and the Phone rang Mrs David picked up, it was a female voice and the caller introduced herself as the deputy police chief and requested that Mrs David asked why, the lady answered that her Son Fred was at the Police station. Mrs David dashed out of the room with her night gown , her heart was beating fast, she was worried about what was wrong wit her Son. She got to the Police station and the deputy police chief called her into her office and told her Fred was arrested in connection to a robbery that took place that night and that the shop attendant was murdered in the process. Mrs David was in shock, she asked what of the other robbers? the deputy answered the escaped but the Police was on try trail. Tears rolled down her face and she knew with the case involving murder she had lost her only son.



Fred was a young man that was brilliant and regarded as the most intelligent boy in his community, Parents would always use him as an example to their children. Fred finished High School and had scholarship to study in one of the best Universities in the country, but he told his mother he didn't want to go to the University, his mother begged him that it was good for him. Mrs David wondered what could make her son refuse to go to the University. She made some investigations and discovered that Fred had joined the local gang. She felt sad and called Fred to come meet her at her office.

She told him what she found out and begged Fred to turn a new leave. Fred told the mum that he was making Money now and did not need her any more in his life, the mum went on her kneels and begged Fred that the road he was about taking would not take him far in life. Fred started mentioning some people in the community that made their money from selling of drugs and leaving the gangster life, she responded to him saying "Nemesis will surely catch up with them".
Fred moved out of the house and the mum ran after him begging him to come that the life he wants to live would land him in trouble, Fred laughed and told the mum " don't worry I would buy you a new house and car very soon" the mum shouted " Fred I do not want your dirty money, I want my Son back" . He walked off and entered the Black SUV that was waiting for him by the side walk-way.

Fred got to the abandoned shoe factory and met up with the other gang members, he was welcomed by the gang leader and he said for their initiation they need to rob the grocery shop near the community center. He brought out guns and handed over to the newly initiated gang members, Fred remembered what his mother told him, he told the gang leader "this is not what I signed up for " everyone laughed and the leader asked him "What do you think we do here, eat and drink?. The all got into the SUV and headed for the grocery shop , the got to the shop came down and started shooting in the air, the got into the shop the shop attendant brought out his gun and shot at the gang members, Fred fell to the floor and his life flashed in his face, one of the gang members was shot in the leg and one of them shot the attendant in the head. The Police siren was blaring and the other gang members ran off, Fred was still on the floor when the Police came into the shop and arrested Fred, a gun was picked up by his side.
Mrs David asked the deputy police chief want was going to be her son's verdict in court, she told her they were looking at a life sentence. The Judge walked in and after hearing the submissions of the persecutor and the defendant, he turned to the Jury and asked them what was their verdict, they answered guilty.

The Judge gave his judgement and sentenced Fred to life in prisonment. Fred could not look at his mother's face because he knew he had disappointed her, Mrs David wept bitterly because if only Fred had listened to her, he would not be in the situation he finds himself now.
What we sow that is what we will surely reap, the consequences of our actions might not come immediately but it will surely come.

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