ecoTrain Question Of The Week Season 8.4: If Not You Then Who? If Not Now Then When

Thanks ecotrain for this amazing question of the week.
Some reasons why so many people dont take actions on issues that are important is because there arent in power to, most people dont have power at that point in time to take actions, ofcourse all reasonable and responsible individuals will always wanna take positive actions just to attack all negative or unbearable issues or actions within a stipulated or at a particular period of time.
Whats power?
Power is the ability to do or undergo something or ability to affect or influence something.

In addition, most people are cowards in the sense that they arent always couragious to take neccessary actions they are ought to take, why because they do always think about the implication that could come afterwards.
Also, why some people seem to wait for some kind of disaster to happen before they could take necessary actions, reasons are;

  • One of the reason is that some individuals do love to know the causes of some kinds of actions or issues before they could take paramount move or actions from which angles or way to attack from.
  • atimes, due to ignorance at that point time, but in a long-run stand up and fight due to lot of disasters it may have caused at a particular time.

My suggestion;
We should always take necessary actions when we are ought to, just to avoid fatal disasters no matter what the situation maybe, ofcourse we all know that prevention is much better than cure.

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