[ESP-ENG] | What I'm I Most Grateful For In Life?

Bienvenido a mi blog.

Welcome to my blog.

Mi vida no ha sido larga, no he logrado llenarme de aventuras, tampoco he viajado fuera del país ni he experimentado un logro tremendamente grande. Sin embargo, estoy feliz con lo poco que he compartido con mis familiares, amigos y pareja. Sinceramente, aún tengo 21 años y es la típica edad que quiere independizarte, vivir tu vida a tu manera, hacer miles de cosas alocadas porque estás entre la edad de la madurez y la juventud, pensar que he llegado hasta acá sin ningún problema de salud, económico o emocional es hermoso.

Estoy orgullosa de mis logros, son mis adorados tesoros o reliquias que he estado guardando conmigo. ¿Cuáles son esas pequeñas pero a la vez grandes cosas que estoy agradecida? Son varias cosas que marcaron lo que soy hoy en día como mujer y estoy sumamente contenta con la educación y estilo de vida que me he dado como persona.


My life has not been long, I have not managed to fill myself with adventures, nor have I traveled out of the country or experienced a tremendously great accomplishment. However, I am happy with the little I have shared with my family, friends and partner. Honestly, I am still 21 years old and it is the typical age that you want to become independent, live your life your way, do thousands of crazy things because you are between the age of maturity and youth, to think that I have come this far without any health, economic or emotional problems is beautiful.

I am proud of my accomplishments, they are my beloved treasures or heirlooms that I have been keeping with me. What are those small but at the same time big things that I am grateful for? They are several things that marked who I am today as a woman and I am extremely happy with the education and lifestyle I have given myself as a person.

Portada exclusiva para Hive por @iamsaray.
Exclusive port to Hive by @iamsaray.

Agradecida de la crianza de mis padres.

Grateful for my parents' upbringing.

Mis padres fueron personas totalmente amorosas con mis hermanos y conmigo, sinceramente, viví una infancia muy linda porque tuve todo lo que una niña debe tener: educación, las 3 comidas y una merienda, salir a parques, cine, piscinas y playas, divertirme con los niños de la comunidad y mucho más... Pero de un lado a otro, todo se iba acabando porque la niña debía crecer y tener más responsabilidades en el hogar, aún así, mis padres me criaron a base de respeto, amor propio, honestidad y responsabilidad emocional.

La educación de un buen colegio es importante porque de ahí nace varios valores como el sentido de responsabilidad, disciplina, equidad entre compañeros y obviamente, la amistad. Todos los días amanezco y digo "Gracias Dios, por haberme dado una infancia sana" porque pude conocer muchos temas que jamás pensé en tocar, hoy en día sigo agradeciendo la vida que tuve hace 3 años atrás.


My parents were totally loving people with my siblings and me, sincerely, I lived a very nice childhood because I had everything a girl should have: education, 3 meals and a snack, going out to parks, movies, swimming pools and beaches, having fun with the children of the community and much more? But from one side to the other, everything was running out because the girl had to grow up and have more responsibilities at home, even so, my parents raised me based on respect, self-love, honesty and emotional responsibility.

The education of a good school is important because from there several values are born such as the sense of responsibility, discipline, fairness among peers and obviously, friendship. Every day I wake up and say "Thank you God, for having given me a healthy childhood" because I was able to know many subjects that I never thought of touching, today I am still grateful for the life I had 3 years ago.

Foto por @iamsaray.
Photo by @iamsaray.

Mis logros: Mis esfuerzos.

My achievements: My efforts.

Estar estudiando Medicina, poder pagar mi alquiler gracias a las recompensas de Hive, vivir una vida sana y en paz me llena de mucho orgullo. Tal vez no sea la chica más sobresaliente de todas, pero que todas las cosas que he logrado sea gracias a mi esfuerzo es un regalo de Dios. Cuando te ganas algo gracias a que tú misma entrenaste, buscaste, desarrollaste o estudiaste es un golpe en el pecho porque nada de eso es fácil cuando no cuentan con todos los recursos económicos o comodidades. Tengo metas nuevas, metas que deseo cumplir pronto porque el tiempo pasa y me estoy quedando atrás, deseo avanzar profesionalmente y emocionalmente, hay muchos detalles que me falta por mejorar y de eso trabajaré cada día para enorgullecer a mis seres queridos.


Being in medical school, being able to pay my rent thanks to Hive rewards, living a healthy and peaceful life fills me with so much pride. I may not be the most outstanding girl of all, but the fact that all the things I have achieved are thanks to my effort is a gift from God. When you earn something because you trained, searched, developed or studied yourself, it is a blow to the chest because none of that is easy when you don't have all the economic resources or comforts. I have new goals, goals that I want to accomplish soon because time passes and I am lagging behind, I want to advance professionally and emotionally, there are many details that I need to improve and I will work every day to make my loved ones proud.

Muchas gracias @ecotrain | Thank you very much @ecotrain

🛸Cámara | Camera: Xiaomi Redmi Note 8.
🛸Traducción | Translation: Deepl.com
🛸Separador de texto | Text separator: Originales.

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