ecoTrain QOWT 10.6 " What should we be eating to be healthy and vibrant"?


I'm trying to participate in answering, thank you ecoTrain community. Eating is a need for everyone, if we don't eat,we will slowly die.

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Eating is not only full,but we must have various proteins,vitamin so that our bodies can carry out daily activities. As every Country has a different staple food, like my experience living in Indonesia the staple food is rice.

Rice from the rice plant, I eat three times a day, mostly in Indonesia, I eat three times a day, eat breakfast,lunch and dinner when I eat breakfast around 7 am, noon at 12 noon and dinner is usually under 7 pm.

Everyone's eating schedule will be different depending on the situation . Eating makes a valiable contribution to health,because every bite we eat many important nutritions. We should eat all kinds of quality food, both raw and properly cooked.

Sometimes I myself eat in cornectly, for example before eating , my stomach is filled with snack, so that when the meal schedule arrives, I have no appetive,or eating only a little.

My main eating habit is rice and added vegetables, I also eat unbalanced meals sometimes so that life lacks enthusiasm, but sometimes, if the mind is in the mood. Eat with taste ,have enough nutrition, then get enough rest and exercise, then life is vibrant.

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In my opinion nutrition food ,balance of life, life style are the things that make life paccionate. There is a term in Indonesia that is often called eat four healthy five perfect which consists of eating four healthy five perfect is eating that has complete nutritions content ranging from carbohydrate, proteins, vitamin, fats and mineral.

The four healthy foods consist of staple foods, side dishes, vegetables and fats,while the perfect. And my opinion eat meal times do not discuss heavy matters, but a calm mind ,and the most wrong in my opinion, eat while doing some work or while we are in a state of nervous tention.
Thank you very much.

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