ecoTrain Medicinal Cooking Competition Week 3 - Raw Food Diet


Coincidentally, one of my friends had recently posted about the "Raw Vegetables Diet" at the same time I knew about this contest. Her diet of raw vegetables resulted in a weight loss of four kilograms in one month, while she still felt healthy. That makes me curious about this type of diet because I haven't heard about that before. Last year, I tried the KETO diet which is a very low carb, high fat diet. It aimed to make my body use a different source of energy. Instead of relying on glucose from carbonhydrates, KETO diet relies on ketone bodies from stored fat. The result was quite impressive as I lost three kilograms within a month, but there are numerous risks which link to heart disease, liver, kidney issues. In addition, I felt sick after consuming too much fat, so I decided to stop after 1 month. My friend's post and this contest prompted me to look up more information about the Raw Vegetable Diet. A diet consisting mainly of raw, unprocessed whole foods. On the face of it, humans are the only animals who cook their food while all other animals eat raw. There are many benefits to the raw method, but there are also many risks. I don't think I'll be able to follow this diet for long, but I'll probably give it a try for a few days to see if I can. Even though I'm not overweight, but once a year I always want to have a few weeks of detox to cleanse my body. This is a zero cooking method so I will be happy to try it out on my busy working week.
I started my morning with a fruit cocktail and peanuts cacao sauce. The Thai Lettuce Spring Rolls look very good and tasty but the point is I can't eat any red, yellow or green capsicum which is one of the main ingredients of the dish so I decided to change it to my own fruit cocktail with fresh vegetables and fruits. I think that's a good choice for my morning because I usually don't eat much for breakfast. I even skip it on my lazy day. The main idea of the contest is to eat a dish that is mostly raw food, with a tasty dressing, so hopefully I don't get it wrong!


  • Lettuce
  • Watermelon, White Peach, Pineapple
  • Cucumber, Carrot

Peanut cacao dressing

  • 2 tsp of crushed peanuts
  • 1.5 tsp of cacao powder
  • 1 tsp of honey

Mix all of the dressing ingredients in a small bowl, serve sauce on the side and dip the veggies in the dressing when eating. All ingredients were cut into sticks so I could easily eat them with my hands.

It's a healthy, fresh and enough nutrition breakfast. From this week, instead of skipping breakfast, I will try every morning with a cup of vegetables and fruits. Thank you for the interesting contest that help me learn something new about pros and cons of Raw Food Diet!