ecoTrain Question Of The Week Season 8 - ACTION: #1 What Actions have you taken in your life that led to positive changes?

The action that I have taken that have changed my life positively is acquiring a skill, I have lived without having something I can boost of, but some months ago, i was able to get myself a skill which I am most happy for and right now I am into it, practising it all day.



The skill i acquires is tailoring, I sew clothes and also make stiches, I make life well for people and make a living for it and also get a life savings through it.

Tailoring is a kind of super ability that will make you feel good doing it.

It is not up to nine months, I started the training but right now I can vividly Handle a sewing machine and I can place clothes well.

I am capable to make many designs of clothes.

This action has change my life positively.

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