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Forest life: Let the light in and contemplate


One of the "issues" of living in the forest is the lack of sunlight that can be experienced on certain hours of the day. When too much time is spent in absence of sunlight it's easy to feel tired and gloomy, which is ok but only for a certain amount of time.

I live next to a rural road so it was always a question on my mind whether to clear up some of the branches of the trees to let more light in or keep them there to avoid being exposed to all the cars that pass by.

I kept saying to myself that I would clear them up when the shelter was looking better so people wouldn't look down on me while it was at this stage covered in plastics and all. I also would think: "hey this is all part of the process and it's all beautiful, plus I show it on social media so I shouldn't be ashamed that people passing by saw the evolution from this to it's final stage".

Anyway, all these questions were forcefully answered from an external source since once a year the trees at the side of the road are cleared of the branches that get to close to it. I woke up one day to find a group of orange suited workers entering the plot where I live and talking loudly.

I asked them what they were up to and when they explained I saw an opportunity and asked them to leave all the branches there so I could pick them up. They were really cool about it and have been helping me to cut up the bigger ones into useful sizes. They also have been good company and we shared some nice talks while drinking yerba mate. Sorry I won't be sharing pictures of them but when I'm sharing with people in front of me I tend to forget the cellphone exists.

That was the haul of the first day, the next day it was doubled but forgot to take pics. Damn, with all this material I'll be able to mount a greenhouse and a bathroom. Veeeeery grateful! Also feeling good because this goes to the municipal waste and probably just gets burned, so it's nice to know it'll have a better and more respectful destination.

Another benefit that came along with the clearing of the branches was that more sunlight became available. Now I can actually see inside the shelter! And the sight that was appreciated with this new light was very nice so I got inspired to take pictures, hope you enjoy them as much as I did taking them.

And now for the braggy Instagram photo:

I've been keeping peppermint and lemon soaking in water and it's what I drink most of the time to refresh myself. I wonder if at some moment it starts to ferment and what effects that might have. Fermentists say you have to trust your smell and taste, as simple as that, so I guess I'll smell and taste what happens.

Here's more fermentation going on: the one on the left is apple, then follows a mix of dandelion, ribwort plantain, rosehip, and apples, submerged in a mixture of vinegar, salt, and water. Then is fermented oatmeal which I keep the same as sourdough: take out half of the content every day (I eat that) and replace it with more oatmeal and water. It tastes like yoghurt so I'm very happy with it! Finally, some pruned in water, just to see what happens.

Can you guess what this is?

Did you get it right? Were you even close? 😅

I wonder if I'll ever finish filling all those gaps with grass haha.

While I finish the big stove I bring in some brasses here to heat up the night. I make fire here now and then but I don't really like it since the shelter fills up with smoke.

Once the stones are hot though, It gives plenty of heat through the night and with the autumn cold beginning it's well worth it.

Some essentials of everyday life.

Most people want bacterias and fungi out of their house. I guess that's one of the big reasons I don't fit in society hahahaha! I love fungi and bacteria and invite them to my home. Just look at these friends that appeared at the entrance of the shelter:

To me this is a huge sign that I'm doing things right, that I am invoking fertility, healing, and abundance into the place where I live.

Not long ago I dreamt that I lived in a house where mushrooms grew out of the walls. In that case, they were magic mushrooms so that would be actually better than having lamps, you know, because they help you see the light. These friends aren't magic mushrooms but they are still magic and I'm glad they came 😌

So that's it for now. Hope you're doing well, feeling the Love and coming closer to Nature each day 🍃

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