Sea beach landscape painting by @fasoniya

Hello everyone how are you all? Hope you are well. I am also well by the grace of God. Today I have done art landscape of the sea pad. I hope you like it.


Poster color
Drawing book
Drawing brush

First I took the drawing book. Then I took a pencil and a scale. Then I drew the line evenly in the drawing book with the scale. Then I will make a sketch of the scene of the natural sea pad with a pencil.

Then I did a house art with scale. Then I did the window and door art and measured it with a scale. Then I did some vine leaf art in front of the house. Then I did art on the leaves of the banana tree and finished sketching with my pencil.

Now I will paint in the art scene. First I painted yellow then I painted the lower part of the room except the doors and windows. Then I painted the roof of the room. I painted the roof white and blue.

Then I painted the sea behind the house. I first painted it dark blue. Then I took the light green type of light as a color. Then I painted the sky above light blue.

Then I will paint the leaves of the vine. At the beginning of the corner leaf Gusho I red orange yellow color using these colors. And I will make the rest of the art with this color light green, green, yellow.

Then I took the banana leaves next to the art. I also did those with green, light green and yellow. Then I painted the windows and doors with blue and red. I painted it pink next to him. And I painted the yard orange.

Thank's and Regards