Five reasons I love Hive

It feels good when talking about this awesome #Hive platform because it impact is amazing and tremendous to be part of it anyday and anytime which am always proud to say it and the good news is that the second anniversary is around the corner which is definitely something to celebrate on to appreciate it success.

I came across this post where we were giving the opportunity to share five reasons why we love Hive which am really much excited to share mine and if you wish to participate as well here is the link to the post

We all in one way or the other have good things to say about this lovely Platform because it have been helpful in one way or the other that have changed life positively which I will love to share mine.


The reasons why I love Hive

1. The opportunity

The first reason which I would love to share and delibrate on is the opportunity giving to every individual to be part of this awesome blockchain which I appreciate a lot. Hive have created opportunities for most people on the blockchain to really have what they can depend on especially for people that job opportunities is really a problem to get and it baffles me seeing students graduating every year and at the end of it they end up in the street trying to survive for a daily bread in a hard way which is not suppose to be so. I come from a country where the minimum wage is nothing to write about because it is definitely not enough to cater for the family and yourself even with the stress you will pass through just to get that money at the end of the month and still sometimes your contribution is not appreciated in the place of work.

I believe Hive have created that opportunity to make most people self employed to really have what they can depend on without receiving blame from anyone and at the same time rushing to meet up time in other not to get late to work to avoid been sanctioned or sacked just to satisfy their needs by buying your own time. But I believe is totally different on hive when you know what your doing and at the same time you contribute by doing the right thing there will be reward for it that will be worth it and also your not force to post or comment, it's definitely your wish anyday, anytime and you still earn by doing so which I appreciate the hive platform for such opportunity given.

2. The socializing aspect

I appreciate the hive blockchain for making everyone around the world to connect to each other which am really happy about by commenting on people's post and also others doing the same as well. I believe is the best way to communicate and also interact with others on a particular topic posted where everyone will have to give their say on such topic and by doing this it keeps everyone connected to each other which is the best way to socialize by engaging on posts and topic shared for the day.

We have so many social media platforms where we can interact and comment as well but the hive blockchain is different because you earn by doing so and also showcasing yourself to the world and what you have to offer to continue to make the blockchain grow in a positive note to attract others trooping in as well to partake and follow that trend.

3. Personal skills

It will quite interest you that most people on the blockchain have their personal skills where they are good at and sometimes the painful part is that the skills sometimes is not appreciated in the real world but Hive have created that opportunity for every individual to showcase their talents and skills here where it can be seen from different people all over the world and at the same time it will be appreciated by people who also have that personal skills and there will be reward for it if it is really worth it by individuals in the blockchain.

The main part why I like this is that Hive have really progress to that stage where so many communities are in the blockchain where you will see the one that fits your taste or skills to partake on in other to be active to showcase your contribution and also enhancing the community and blockchain to grow positively. It is amazing and a work well-done and I appreciate that a lot.

4. You don't only earn but learn

I believe this is also another great point which I will like to share my own thought on and why it is part of what makes me like this awesome platform #hive. Hive is definitely a life changer which I am proud to say because it impact and contribution in one's life is awesome and it leads such person to a positive state in achieving goals both on the blockchain and also in the real life. I always regard the platform as one big family which is United by everyone around the world and their contribution with what they publish always make impact in our lives by gaining little ideas each day to enhance yours. In that aspect as well so many informations is been passed across to keep one active to know what's going on around the world.

Another point is most people would testify that they aren't blogger until they knew about Hive which I am one of them. Hive have changed a lot about me in the aspect of reading, writing and generating ideas to solve solutions that might be needed. Also the reason I said hive is a big family is because it is a blockchain where we all assist each other grow by lifting them up with the little contribution they can and by doing so we learn with such action each day and this is what is making the blockchain grow in a progressive state which am really happy about.

5. Savings

The good part about all this is that Hive really cares about every individuals in the blockchain especially in the financial aspect which in that aspect I appreciate the fact that we have HP(hive power) in the system and with this it helps in building and boosting yourself in the blockchain by powering up and from my own perspective I call this an act of saving for the future, the more hive power the more rewards you will gain from curation while upvoting and this is amazing which also helps in enhancing and promoting the blockchain as well.

It is quite said that earning is really important with your contribution in the blockchain which you will definitely get when showcasing yourself in the platform by posting and commenting. I also appreciate the fact that we have both the hive and HBD in our wallet where your rewards are also stored and the beautiful part about the whole thing is the blockchain have created 12% APR for rewards saved in saving while saving our HBD there which is really helpful for future purposes. Your contribution here will be worth it in the coming years if you go back to look at your wallet with what you've achieved in the next four to five years which is everyone's dream to be successful in the blockchain then you will have something to show for it to eradicate financial issues in the future then maintain the aspect of been financially stable.

I appreciate Hive for this efforts and I have never for one day regret to be here, thanks for this opportunity for letting me share my reasons and impact it has, it's definitely awesome doing so.

Hive to the world

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