ecoTrain Question Of The Week #21: My Spiritual Experiences :

Spiritual experiences are realistic events that is beyond the eye can see that happens in the lives of different people according to their believes and religion. I strongly support @engrsayful in his postulations about different people with different colors, religions and castes in the world. People are different not only from the outside but also from the inside which has to do with the spiritual. As the faces of people are different, so are their desires and off course their experiences according to their desires.

EcoTrain community this week, have carefully and sensitively selected this topic to help us not take for granted the memories about our experiences spiritually. Even though the world is gearing towards a one government system, spiritual experiences will never be one.

Today i will be sharing my spiritual experience with us.

My Spiritual Background

I come from a core Christian background born, dedicated and brought up in church. I have all my days been a church boy but never really understood what being a Christian was until i got born again. After that awesome experience of getting born again, the first thing our preacher taught me was that i cannot grow in my spirit without prayer and study the word of God so i began a mid night prayer and in one of those days, that was when i got that experience. I would like to stop here and share my experiences.

MY Spiritual Experience

I come from a little village close to a federal road that links with the major city's in my country. While i was growing up, i used to think that spiritual experiences were mere superstitions not until one day i had one myself.


I was suppose to hold a prayer at mid night say about 12 am and this was my usually the prayer time but unfortunately out of too much tiredness and stress of the day, i couldn't hold the prayer again. Slept and at about the same time i normally hold my night prayer. But at about the time of my prayer, in had a spiritual experience. You see where i come from, it is believed that if dead people show themselves to you that it means that they really loved you. I just can't tell exhaustively what really happened that night but i am very sure i was half asleep and half awake and that was how i saw a presence walked into the room and that presence happened to be that of my late father. Now the truth about my religion is that the dead and the living have nothing in common and so if we ever see them, we fight them with words and so i began to rebuke the presence and instead of it vanishing away just like it came, he persisted his stay at where he was then he began to speak with me in such a way that made it looked as though the whole things was and i thought my siblings would have gotten others awake in the room but no other person woke up expect me. He talked for what seem like an hour in my imagination but after he had finished speaking and vanished, i realize it was just a 15 minute discussion. I was scared as a person but the words he said to me gave me so much courage and reasons not to be afraid.

Spiritual experiences are real and should not at any point be joked with cause it can lead to the end of a man's life. Spirituality means different things to different persons. It is good to define yours based on your believes.

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