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"What is the best kind of action?"

Most people believe in this saying, that the beginning is not important but the ending of it is more important. But In this very case I dare say that, the beginning and ending is important.

Every catastrophe or challenges of life is caused by us, ourselves. Be it poverty, conflict, education, governmental health, Bush fires, food and water, betrayal catastrophe e.t.c. Someone, somewhere, human like us are the reason, it might have happened and still happening.

Most of us live a fake life, we pretend so much to be who and what we are not. Some is still looking at the terrible mistakes they had made and wish terribly to change it, in the process refusing to forgive themselves.

  • Some are selfish, greedy, cantankerous, e.t.c
  • Some have been swallowed by love for money and power, some don't look out for others.
  • Some are filled with hate, bitterness and low self esteemed, some are pride, some sees the wrong and mistakes of others and not their own. and so on.

Humans makes up of family, kingdom, community, state, country and world. This problems we find ourselves are caused by humans and can be solved by humans.



As a person do you really love yourself? Are you really doing the right thing wherever you find yourself. How many personality do you have? Are you not corrupt, greedy, wicked in any way at all, and do you really tell yourself the truth, do you live in truth?

If every human in the world today truly loves themselves , appreciate themselves, tell themselves the truth, look out for others, aborting all negative thought from their heart. How do you think life would seems? So many bad and evil things can be eradicate if we can truly love ourselves.

So the best kind of action for me, is LOVE FROM WITHIN.