DELETED - Content updated with - What is the ecoTrain Community about?!


Sorry, this got posted by accident!

Here is some information about the ecoTrain to make use of this space!

If you haven't spotted @ecoTrain before and are curious what we are about, here is some information!

We support posts that cover topics relating to Sustainability, ecoVillages, Community, Self-sufficiency, Off-grid Living, Homesteading, Permaculture, Alternative Energy, Alternative Lifestyle, Natural Health, Cooking, Eco-Building, Earthships, Recycling, Esoteric, Inner Transformation, Spiritual, Nature, and more...ecoTrain also supports the creation of real world ecoVillages in Portugal and beyond. The time has never been more ripe for us to attain real security and to become self sufficient.

The idea of the ecoTrain birthed with the founding principle of Service To Mankind and the world around us. The full name of this ecoTrain is "ecoTrain Seva"

"Selfless service or Seva in Sanskrit (Punjabi: ਸੇਵਾ) is a service which is performed without any expectation of result or award for performing it. Such services can be performed to benefit other human beings or society."

This name is used to highlight the idea of working without any expectation of reward Our primary goal on Hive is to give service to the world and the people in the form our our posts and up votes to support causes that help make this world a better place. We have been doing this for three years now, and have supported some wonderful people who have also gone on to achieve great things on Hive and beyond.

@ecoTrain is also a keen supporter of eco building, off-grid living, earthship biotecture, and most things natural and holistic. We want you to be free to live in a way that supports our deepest human nature and desires. To do this we need to shift to a new paradigm, and we are currently on the precipice of great change owing to the massive upheavals caused by COVD19. I believe we must come back to our roots, and fulfil our most primal needs. Most important of these is to live in a supportive community that fosters healthy relationships and dynamics, and be self sufficient!

The ecoVillages mission is to create a micro ecoVillage and then help many other people to make the shift to a location initially nearby. We will be facilitating every aspect of eco building from helping people to get land to planning and building code, and helping people through the actual build process with our crew of volunteers and helpers. That crew will grow as we build as training and education are an integral part of this approach to viral eco-building and community living. The future is looking bright for ecoVillages, and it all starts for us in Portugal!

So a final thank you to the everyone who posts, comments, shares, and reads. There are some real gems and such a diverse range of topics from you all.. Keep Posting great content to the ecoTrain community! <3

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