EcoTrain Question Of The Week 6 #9|| What are My predictions for 20 and 200 years

The world has been evolving from generation to generation with continuous inventions of sophisticated machines. During the 1700s the world experience the agricultural revolution, everyone wanted to dive into farming until the industrial revolution emerged, companies were built to process the products from agriculture and make other products from them. People started to go to school to become gainfully employed, then the computer age came with the invention from Bill gate to the internet and technology revolution and now the information age. The information age has become so broad that each day new inventions are introduced, like the electric automated car that remote itself to any destination, the use of the Tricordex machine that checks a patient's health with no need of blood sample, or sample of any kind. Robotic engineering is also making machines that are doing the working of men and it gives one concern of what will become of the future.

In 20 Years from now, the scientist would have only been able to build the technology that's still on test now while upgrading the current technology, Like the use of an electric automated car would have been adopted in over 200 developed countries while a few of them available in developing countries and the Tricordex used in most developed countries. Still, in 20 Years, some countries would expand their technology in building weapons of war and defense. Robots would do most of the bidding in all sectors and there would be a lot of unemployed people.


In 200 years from now, a system would have been introduced that men themselves are transformed into robots with the ability to think as fast as a machine and operate equally fast. Since robots would have occupied the industries, cryptocurrency would be the major means of transactions, by then crypto would be accepted by viciously everyone, paper money would be of less relevance though it will still be in circulation. There would be other proposed inventions that will try to connect the whole world as one with one central government. The idea will be to insert a chip on everyone which will be like a medium of control by the then government tracking every human activity through a central satellite.

But it wouldn't all be about technological advancement, the economy will be tough. The price for certain entities we enjoy now will rise and make it unbearable for some who are trying to survive, people from developing countries will find the time very tough for them because robots will do most of the work that men are busy going to school to gain professionalism for. There would be war and rumors of war, fighting for dominance.

Declamation: I'm not a prophet or a seer, this is a random prediction from careful observation of the past revolution to this age

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