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QOTW #25: In what ways is living off grid the answer to the many consequences of coronavirus?


The spread of Covid-19, which is extraordinary in nature, marked by the number of cases and / or the number of deaths, has increased and spread across regions and across countries and has an impact on political, economic, social, cultural, defense and security aspects. A fairly sharp economic decline has occurred in almost all countries, and has an impact on the welfare of the people in each country.

Almost 1 year since the first time the Covid-19 virus was announced in Wuhan China. The huge impact of a pandemic on the lives of everyone is prone to causing stress and excessive anxiety. Some of them feel helpless against the Covid-19 outbreak. Some experienced despair and their mental health began to falter. About work, how to survive, and how to avoid not getting infected. The most powerful weapon when dealing with uncertainty is that we can control our perspective or point of view. How to see a problem can be a source of strength. Conversely, perspective can also be something that weakens self-defense. Trying to assess what situations can be controlled and which cannot be controlled, things can feel easier when we accept the situation and think about what opportunities can be done in a difficult situation like this. By controlling perspective, a person does not only spend energy on anxiety, fear, stress, to experience high blood pressure in the face of a pandemic. The remaining energy during this difficult time can be used to focus on protecting oneself from contracting Covid-19.

In what ways is living off grid the answer to the many consequences of coronavirus?

An off the grid lifestyle can be an option at this time, but there is no guarantee that we can run away from the system of government that is already widespread, and also the arrival of new people from urban life in a rural area will be a question and opposition from the people around the place during the this pandemic. Because their actions are also a protection for the community there from being infected. Then whether living in the interior of the forest can be an option, I'm not sure because maybe for the safety factor it also doesn't guarantee, what if you encounter wild animals, etc.

We Define Life "Off The Grid"

Maybe some of us don't understand about the off the grid lifestyle. What are the benefits of living an off the grid lifestyle by some people because they want to achieve peace of life, convenience without depending on modernization and of course efforts to optimize health.

Literally, the notion of Grid is an electricity network. Off the grid lifestyle is the same as being free of electricity consumption. This means that you no longer need to use electricity-related tools from cellphones, listening to radio, watching television to ironing clothes, etc.

"The term off-the-grid (OTG) can refer to living in a self-sufficient manner without reliance on one or more public utilities. Off-the-grid homes are autonomous; they do not rely on municipal water supply, sewer, natural gas, electrical power grid, or similar utility services." - wikipedia


Back to free nature as the embodiment of the OTG lifestyle and out of the traps of modern life. But is the off-grid lifestyle really something we should do in the wild? I personally cannot conclude that maybe rural nature can be an alternative solution. But for this pandemic period, moving life to an area is not an option, as I said above that there will be opposition there for the arrival of people from outside the region.


I was born and grew up in a rural environment in a house with a large yard and close to rice fields, mountains and rivers. But everything has changed now, the rice fields have become narrower, replaced by housing, shops, and the river does not flow clearly into a cloudy lake that remains of wastewater. My childhood was spent wrestling with nature, playing in the fields, bathing in the river, helping in the garden, looking for grass to feed livestock, etc. For me, independence, including gardening, raising animals and doing everything that is beneficial for oneself is normal and it is necessary, especially in this pandemic, everyone is required to have food independence because jobs that are usually no longer available. But not everyone has the opportunity to live an off the grid life. Maybe for modern life or urban life today, we can continue to live an off the grid lifestyle by minimizing access to modernization. Such as saving on electricity and water usage, starting to make garden land using potting media to grow vegetables on our balconies, maintaining ornamental plants / planting microgreens in or around the house to maintain fresh healthy and clean air circulation, limiting access with gadgets, bring your own supplies to avoid plastic snacks n, start composting to make natural fertilizers, and other activities related to survival. You could say this is an easy way to live efficiently, happily and healthily, get out of the traps of modernization which is full of falsehoods and use the remaining time or age in a more optimal way, especially from a spiritual side.

Starts small, but be consistent! That's the point!


Dwiita Vita love Nature.png

