When justification may not be just: Ecotrain QOTW 10.7


You've heard it said that one man's trash is another man's treasure. Good luck finding the source of that quote, because I looked. Seems that it was in a publication back in the 1600's, but even then, it was paraphrased.

That's not really the first thought I had when thinking of this QOTW, but if you really think about it - it does apply!

What's important to me, is not necessarily important to you.

My protest might be the source of your problems, and your protest might be the source of mine. We all come from different backgrounds, cultures, worldviews, privilege, financial status, religions, etc. You may feel completely passionate about something that means absolutely nothing to me.

Why should that bother me?

f you are professing your right to stand up for something you believe in - why should I stand in your way? Why should I prevent you from that expression? Shouldn't we all be respectful and admire the integrity and courage from protesters attempting to make change?


Here is where the problem may come in:When your justification isn't justified in my eyes.

Then, the question becomes ,"Who is right?", "What is best for society?" "Who makes that call?"

This is the basis of every single conflict, every single fight, and every single war. Both parties believe that they're in the right, and neither will back down for one another.

@samsmith1971 and I were talking about the Golden Rule today. I mentioned that if we truly put the needs of others before our own, and loved each other as much as we loved ourselves, we would be living in Utopia.

But we clearly don't live in Utopia - far from it, actually. Our collective protests are rarely about the good of community as a whole, but rather, our own agenda disguised hidden behind the right, politically correct banner. If we need to tread on others, in order to push our own preference - so be it.


Is it justified?

I guess it will always come down to who you ask. There are victims on every side, tragedies and travesties on every level. But I truly believe the only answer that solves these conflicts - lies in the simplest stance of all:

Love and value one another as much as (or even more than) you love and value yourself. (paraphrase of the Golden Rule.)

This was an entry for @ecotrain's QOTW, led by @eco-alex. This was the final week of collaboration between DreemPort and @ecotrain! Hope that all you dreemers enjoyed visiting these challenging questions each week!

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