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The invisible force driving climate change that no-one talks about. | ecoTrain QOTW 10.2 | Day 7 of HiveBloPoMo

In the ecoTrain community, each week Alex and the team pose a question that encourages members to reflect on and write about. The idea is that questions will help us to consider how to make the world a better, kinder and more sustainable place.

This week's question is:

"What things could we do differently to reduce climate change?"


I have a rather radical answer.

I'm always looking for what's holding a problem in place. Whether it's a habit I want to change, a challenge inside a business that needs untangling or a problem that seems altogether far too big for anyone one person to solve.

I don't like picking at the edges doing this little thing or that little thing if I can possibly help it. I want to get to the core of the issue and see what's actually holding that mess (whatever it is) in place.


Climate change is no different.

It seems massive, nebulous and for most of us, overwhelming. But as far as I can see there is one key thing that's driving this whole schmozzle and causing it to continue to spiral out of control.

If I'm right (and I think I am) then understanding what this force is will allow us to actively resolve climate change so the damage can be limited, and dare I say, even reversed.


You're skeptical. I get it. How could one woman on the other side of your screen possibly claim to have the answer to solving climate change?

But you're curious too, right? Even if you're thinking, "What could this woman possibly see that the rest of us can't? She said it's an invisible force so how can she can see it?"

Simple, I've trained myself to look beneath the surface and see what others can't. I look for patterns. I look for drivers. I deliberately go looking for what other people are missing. It's what I do in my coaching every single day.


So, no more teasing; let me share with you what I see and then you can tell me if you agree (or not). Let's see if you think that this is, in fact, what's driving climate change and therefore the exact place where we should focus our time, energy and attention to change what's already ravishing our planet. Firstly, let's start with this:

My understanding of what's causing climate change, on a surface level, is the way we (human beings) are using the earth's resources.

I like the simple explanation on this website. (See their answer to the FAQ: "Is climate change caused by humans?")

But what is causing us to use more and more and more resources? What is driving us to drill for more oil (for fuel) and fell more forests (mostly used to create more farmable land)?

An endless drive from humans to want more.

More of what?

More of everything.

Why do we want more? Why is there such a drive to want more than we already have - to the point of destroying the very planet we need to survive?


Truth time, you ready?

Because we don't believe we have enough.

And what causes us to think that?

We don't believe we are enough.


Too many of us think, deep down (below the level of the subconscious mind) that we are not enough.

We think, or rather, we truly believe that we're not good enough, smart enough, brave enough, pretty enough, skinny enough, young enough, etc. (Fill in your version here).

Almost everyone has some version of "not-enoughness" in their (nervous) system whether they consiously realise it or not.

And here's the link:

When we think that some part of us is not enough then we (subconsciously) try to fill that (painful) whole with more stuff. The more we buy ➡️ the more "stuff" is produced ➡️ the more fuel has to be burned to produce it and deliver it to us (or deliver us in our cars to go get it).


So that's the invisible force I see that's driving climate change:

We collectively believe we are not enough.

That's the belief that drives the behaviours that lead to overuse of resources which in turn create more greenhouse gases which lead to actual, measurable changes to the climate on the planet.


Now, before I hand it over to you to share your thoughts in the comments, I did promise that once I'd revealed what I saw as the driving force that it would lead to an obvious solution. You'd be forgiven for scratching your head and saying, "Well, if we all believe we're not good enough in some way how the heck do we change that? It's not like we can just wave a magic wand and change the beliefs in our subconscious (or non-conscious) mind, can we??"

So let's talk about that now.

And this is where the solution for climate change becomes very personal and, actually, very empowering. Because, yes, you can actually, reasonably simply change your mind and the beliefs that you hold. Is it "easy"? Maybe not. Is it "simple"? Why, yes it is.


It starts with a choice, a willingness to play your part in contributing to solving the problem of climate change. Without your willingness to do this it will not work as you can't just expect other people to change without you, yourself, looking in the mirror.

So if you're still reading I'm going to consider you willing to contribute. Fabulous. Thank you.

Next, you need some awareness. Start to notice if you ever find yourself thinking or saying any version of "not enough".


For example:

"I'm sure I won't get an A on my assignment. I'm not smart enough."

"I don't think he'll ask me out again, I'm just not pretty enough."

"I can't take a day off work, we don't have enough money."

There are sooooooooo many versions of not-enoughness, so start to look and listen for yours. (It's extremely likely you're running one or more "not enough" stories; it's a pandemic that's been circling the globe for waaaaay longer than the current virus we all know too well).

Once you find the "not-enough" belief that's having the biggest affect on your life (or there might be several that are really impacting you - just pick one of them to start) then you're ready to do the most important part...


Ready? Here are the steps I suggest (and yes, I do this myself, regularly). Don't be followed by how simple it seems as you read it through. Powerful things do not need to be complicated. When you're ready, read through all the steps and then give it a go:

  • Take 5 minutes somewhere quiet where you won't be interrupted

  • Sit or lay down with your eyes closed so you can really focus on your body

  • Think about the "not enough" story/belief you say or think regularly

  • Say the belief (it might feel like a truth to you) out loud if you can or clearly inside your head if that feels safer for you

  • Notice how you feel inside your body when you say/think this belief/personal truth.

  • What emotion do you feel (if any)? What sensation/s do you feel (if any)? Are there any visuals or sounds or memories that show up with you think/say that belief?

  • Whatever you notice bring your entire present awareness to that part of you where you feel whatever is coming up and simply notice whatever you've found without judgement.

  • Know that your loving, compassionate, present witnessing will - all by itself - dissolve past memories, past pains, past beliefs so that you can naturally evolve to belief something more enlightened and lighter that's better for you, and - by extension - better for the planet

  • Stay with the part of you that was feeling these emotions and/or sensations, seeing visuals, or hearing old sounds related to that story you've been carrying. Stay with that part of you as long as you need to. Or just as long as you can stand it. (Or, when your 5 minutes is up if you wanted to just do the planned short version).

  • If you were feeling/noticing a lot make sure you take a minute or two just to come back into the room and feel grounded again in your current reality. Notice the places where your body is in contact with the ground. Notice what you can see in the room, what you can hear beyond the room. Notice your breathing and consciously change it to any pattern that feels good to you.

  • When you feel calm and ready, re-enter your life knowing that you can come back and do this same process again and again, anytime you wish.

Know that every time you meet a part of you that feels "not enough" that you, my friend, are contributing to a planet where we all feel good enough that we can gratefully and sustainably enjoy what we have.


If you have any questions about the process, please feel free to ask me in the comments. I'm happy to clarify anything about the above steps if you are wanting to give it a go but are finding anything about it confusing.

If you'd like to read some fabulous material on climate change this webpage is a great resource.

Finally, if you'd like to offer your own answer to this week's ecoTrain question you can find all the details here. Thanks for reading my answer to this all-important question.