Question Of The Week Season 9.1 . What Does Spirituality Mean To You?

what we believe in is what is spirituality to us, i remember when i was a kid, by that time, i was eight years old, i used to see my grand father, taking out his drink very early in the morning and be spilling it on the ground, he did this every morning, and never a day would he forgets to spill the drinks on the floor, according to him, he said that, it was his way of sending morning greetings to his forefathers, no matter what he might be going through, he never forget this attitude of his, he lived for this attitude and to him, this was the best thing he could do every morning, he belief that, this spilling of drinks on the floor is the number one thing that has kept him alive, he used to dream and every morning after he might finished performing his ritaul, he would now be telling us about his dreams the other night, which means that, dreams are not a thing of this our physical environment but a thing of the spirit, when one is dreaming he is actually teleporting to a different place and where he would be having his stay there throughout the period of his dreams, it is noted that, some dreams can be a thing of the past while some are the future events that is about to take place in our life's. dreams usually comes to us as a warning in our life daily activities.


Spilling of drinks on the floor every morning is spirituality and this comes in as belief, so spirituality is what we believe in, having a particular believe about something would be making you to see that thing as worth dying for, but is anything on this Earth Worth dying for?, yet with the practice of spirituality anything is something and bigger because at times we may not see those things with our two naked eyes but we feels and dreams about them, that is what spirituality is all about, the things you believe in are what is spiritual to you, if you love Money that means money is a thing of the spirit to you, if sexual intercourse is what you love so much, sexual intercourse is a spiritual thing of the spirit to you, having loved for fashion, is making fashion a spiritual elements to you, as you would be thinking and thinking of how to arranged your attires on the occasion you are to attend the next day, now making the event a thing you belief in so much and a thing which you are to appear neat to the ground, having our minds set on a certain phenomenon is setting our minds on spirituality.
Therefore, i see spirituality as our own belief.

This is my entry in the @ecotrain community contest, Question Of The Week Season 9.1 What does spirituality mean to you? to joined this contest click here

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