Today I have booked a plot of 6 marlas. It will prove to be beneficial in the days to come

Hello friends, I hope everyone will be fine. You need land to build a house and you need money to buy land. All this happens when you have money. You can buy land and build your house. I have my own. There is a house but it was small and in the future the children are growing up and I need to build another house so I have started to make a small investment. A small town was selling near our house. So today was his first day and I also thought about where to book a plot
A small party was held there and those who wanted to take the plots were called and they are being briefed about the number of plots of Marla and the plot numbers are being shown and their information is being given. There were other friends with me. There was a friend of ours. He advised me that the plot is cheap. You buy it. I obeyed him and came here. There is no danger and this plot should be bought so that there is no problem in the coming days.

Some friends gave their briefing and told people how many plots it is and how much it costs and how many installments will be found and I told my friend to book the plot of this number in my name and show me the plot. He showed me the plot
Because they had just bought a new plot of land and had yet to make a mark, they made the opening ceremony, so it was necessary to make a sign, and it was necessary to ask what you like tomorrow, if it does not come out in the future, then it will not be good. My friend told me well that we have bought the land and are selling it by making a plot. I have another partner with him and he is working then I started marking

Marking is very important because it shows that the plot is starting from here and I saw this petition mark. I said do some work. And my sign would be confirmed that my plot is starting from here then I see a big piece of wood I said that this is how they mark it, they bury it here in the ground and from here my plot starts I asked a part of my plot where it starts There was no guard inside to mark the sign


I buried the wood in the ground and this part of my plot started to start. Now all that is left is to pay Rs. You will have to pay here for a maximum of five months. You will have to pay all the money within it. I am paying half the money now and I will pay half and get the plot in my name within next three months and then when needed I will sell it or build another house on it and give it to my children.

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By @chishti

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