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My Thoughts on "What would you like to see happen to our public city spaces?"

Good day to all of ecoTrain community!

Before I made my return to Hive I read a lot of articles about global warming and how we are going to reduce it I also read articles about healthy lifestyles.

I think this week's question relates to both global warming and healthy living.

With that said here is my thought on this week's question...

Roads and Sidewalks

Add more Bike Lanes and encourage more usage of bicycles

By using bicycles we are reducing our emission of carbon dioxide into the air thus we are contributing less to global warming. Not only that, riding a bicycle proved to be very beneficial to our health too.

Encourage more usage of bicycle

Photo from Pixabay

Add more bike lanes

Photo by travsaylor from Pixabay

Encourage more usage of Electric Cars

Electric vehicles are beginning to take hold of the markets all over the world. I know that not every country in the world has the technology to adapt to electronic car technology but I think they should begin now before it is too late.

Encourage more usage of Electric Cars

Image by Blomst from Pixabay

Add more solar-powered street lights and if possible solar power supplies

With solar-powered street lights, we are also reducing our carbon footprints. I know that a lot of city streets now are using solar-powered street lights but there still city roads where solar-powered street lights are very few, so, I think we need to add more.

Add more solar-powered street lights

Photo from (owned) by

Plant more trees

I know that there a lot of city roads today that have trees and plants being planted on the center island or on the sidewall, but there are lots of them that need to be augmented (plant more trees and plants) so that it helps reduce carbon dioxide in the air.

More trees on our city roads much better


Add more plants to office windows/balconies, add more plants inside the office, install a solar panel on office rooftops, and if possible plant some plants on office rooftops.

By adding more plants on office windows and balconies it is of great help in reducing carbon in the air. It is also great in reducing heat trying to enter inside offices.

Plant more plants on office windows/balconies

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Add more rooftop solar panels

Again, a lot are already installing solar panels on office rooftops, but I think there are a lot more office rooftops that are no solar power installed.

If the majority of office spaces' rooftops have solar power installed then it will be of great help in our dependence on traditional power sources (reducing carbon emission in the process).

Rooftop solar panels

Image by cverkest from Pixabay

If possible, have a garden on rooftops

Having a garden on a rooftop is a sight to behold, not only that, but it also helps in reducing carbon dioxide in the air

Rooftop garden

Image by Anja🤗#helpinghands #solidarity#stays healthy🙏 from Pixabay

Add more plants inside offices

Offices nowadays lack plants inside. I think it is the right time to add plants or add more plants to those who already have plants in their office. It will be of great help since much of the devices that we used inside our office do emit carbon dioxide.

Some plants inside an office

Image by Candid_Shots from Pixabay


Add more plants outside and inside shops, if possible, solar panels

Before the pandemic, whenever enter a shop, be it a coffee shop a bakeshop I notice that plants are missing, there are some, but I think it is not enough, so I think we need to add more.

Some plants outside shops

Image by Birgit Böllinger from Pixabay

Some plants inside a shop

Image by Madun Digital from Pixabay

Solar panel on a shop's roof

Not all shops can adapt a solar-powered light, but if a shop is like the one in the photo below, I think it is feasible to add solar panels on its roof.

If a shop is like this flower shop, I think a solar panel can be installed on its roof

Image by Wim Kantona from Pixabay


We all know that most park has a lot of trees and plants in it, with that said I think they only need to add more solar-powered street lights in them.

Solar-powered street lights on Rizal Park

Photo from (owned by)

Those were my thought on the question of the week. If you noticed I am very vocal about carbon dioxide, it is because carbon dioxide is a culprit in making our world warmer (global warming). So, to reduce or delay global warming we need to plant more trees, plant more plants, use more solar power, ride a bicycle and if possible, buy electric vehicles.

Until next time, have a nice day everyone.