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I've never had children but I've been fortunate ( well I don't know if I should say, fortunately) but I've been allowed to raise some children as a result of where I've been at the time the child is born.

I've been able to help in catering for at least 3 children. I can't say everything being that at those 3 times I was never the actual parent, nevertheless to an extent I can say some of the amazing things about children - at least the ones I know.

The first kid I partially raised was for a woman I was working for at that time. She was busy with her master's programme and had just given birth to a baby girl. Let's say she left the baby with me 90% of the time and I didn't mind. She was a sweet little girl.

Being that I was with the child for the first 3yrs of her life, she thinks to this day that I'm her big sister and people don't make it any better when they tell her we look alike.

I remember this one time I went to pick her up from school. I guess she has been whispering to her friends about how I was her big sister who is not often around because they came to ask me for confirmation. Of course, I wasn't going to let my baby girl down, so I said yes, I'm her big sister.

From that experience, one of the amazing things I learnt about kids is that when given the environment to express themselves freely, they thrive and most often than not you learn one or two things about how to make their lives better.

I've always found the innocence of children admirable. Their innocence is the sweetest thing about them. Their minds are pure, they derive pleasure in the simplest things, it's just so beautiful to watch.

I like how their ego means nothing to them most of the time. Tell a child he/she did something wrong and they apologize within seconds, especially when they see they have hurt someone with their actions. I think that as adults we should learn that trait, it helps most of the time.

I love how easy it is for kids to say what's on their minds. They don't put much thought into it as adults do. They are just honest about what they feel and readily express themselves without holding back.

Children are the most beautiful little people and they deserve our protection at all times and by all means. Life will be so much better if we live it the way children do. Focusing on the simple things and getting pleasure from them. I love children and I hope to someday have some of my own!

Thanks for stopping by ❤️