Question of The Week 9.1 What Does Spirituality means to you?



Hello Hivers, Good evening and welcome to my page @birjudanak. I am happy that Question of the week back in the ecotrain community as this time we got two options and selected which I want that about spirituality compared to technology so its time to discuss so let start.

What Does Spirituality Mean to You

For me, Spirituality means one kind of power which makes you feel relaxed, gives you inner peace as well as boost self-confidence. There are different religions but it applies to all as everyone only get positive from it.

We have seen many cases where nothing work like money, power, relations or technology but spirituality work. In recent world sure people give lots of importance to technology but still, spirituality is more import to live a balanced and happy life. There is a belief but not superstition.

Why Spirituality is Important



Spirituality is important because it gives balance and stability to life as well as helps to make it better in the right way. Spirituality learn us why patience is important and play a huge role.

There are many cases of suicide in this world as they have their different reasons but due to lack of confidence in them as well as afraid to face situations so if they believe more in spirituality then they will not this kind of wrong steps.

Recently we have seen a case of one young student who got a dream that he failed in board exam and decided to suicide as he was under that pressure because he saw defeat but he believed that dream without checking the actual result which was much better than it but it's very late.

Here thing is that parent gives everything to their children like mobiles, training of various sports, adventures etc but also give them to the knowledge of spirituality too that in our life everything not going according to us and thus we have to courage to accept the situation rather than think about it and spoil feature.

I am sure we all believe in karma and it is also said by Lord Krishna that your work is to do a task and not think about its result before doing it. when people think result or decide it before doing it then if things not going in then in that favour they are disappointed because the thing did not happen which they want.

If people also focus on spirituality then they have that courage to accept the situation as well as face and also it help to come out from that period too. There are 10 reasons to get success in work we going to do which we know but there are 1000 reasons which not let us get success which we don't know so we aim to do a task with full of efforts and then leave result on time as well as accept it whatever it is.

There was one survey done in some part of country, where according to their survey, there is some kind of improvement in all age of peoples which is an amazing thing. children's improved in their study, younger focused in their goal of carrier and aged people being more strong to accept the bad situation to improve their health which let them take fewer medicines compared to before.

In short, We can understand that in our life we need many things but spirituality is more important to live a happy life because inner peace is more important which can get by spirituality.





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