Secret of success

Namaskar / Hello to all hive users, who will reach this post. I hope you are doing great and having fun in your life and enjoying it with your loved ones.

We all want to be successful, it is another matter that success is different for all of us. Vivekananda has said, 'Keep trying, even when you see darkness around you, I say that keep on trying. Do not give up under any circumstances, just keep trying. You will definitely get your goal, there is no doubt about it.

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Once a young man asked Socrates, "What is the secret of success?" Socrates smiled upon hearing her question and then said to him, "See me tomorrow on the river bank." At the same time, I will tell you what is the secret of success. The next day when the young man met Socrates, they asked him to accompany him to the river. As the moving water reached the neck of the young man, then suddenly Socrates grabbed his head and dipped it in the water. They did not leave him until he turned blue. Socrates kicked his head out of the water, and as soon as he got out, the young man first started gasping and breathing rapidly. Socrates asked him at the same time- When you were under water, then what did you feel the need most? What did you want The boy answered, only breathing. Socrates affectionately placed his hand on his head and said that this is the secret of success! When you want success as deeply as you wanted to breathe, you will get it. This is the biggest formula to achieve success.

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