Collective memories

Namaskar / Hello to all hive users, who will reach this post. I hope you are doing great and having fun in your life and enjoying it with your loved ones.

In human history, events that have disturbed the whole society have been happening. How many times there was flood, there was a famine, there was an epidemic Millions of people went away. This circle of destruction and creation goes on one after the other. Do you know, its memories are buried in the collective subconscious of mankind? Like the events of the Holocaust are found in the Puranas

Will we learn something from these past accidents or repeat the same mistakes? Barring Karona, it is an incomprehensible event, but whenever a major disaster strikes, our collective mind goes through four situations - first, B reject! Everyone thinks, this is for others, the ability to understand us is clouded. The third position is accept. This situation comes when a lot of destruction has taken place. Leaders and experts wake up thinking that this is a different matter. Then they put all their power into solving it. The fourth step is the solution! It comes on its own with the speed of time. Eventually the cycle of demolition comes to an end.

The question is, can we learn anything from the memories of the past that are inhabited by the subconscious? Today, every type of data exists, how to use it? In the past, what precautions people took, what mistakes were made, a large store of knowledge is available to us. Some psychologists, some scientists search the subconscious, then some people can be made so alert and sensitive that crisis management is done in advance.

Thanks a lot for being here, let me know what you think.







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